
Emerald H2 is a vision of building a hydrogen economy, beginning with the national hydrogen fueling TM station and distribution network – the Transcontinental Hydrogen Highway , a national dealership and the attendant infrastructure for newly launched and preowned HFCVs.


History of Millennium Reign Energy

From Los Angeles to New York, Emerald H2 plans to bring hydrogen stations to the length of Interstate 70, making the use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles more practical and efficient.

Emerald H2 has been setup by Millennium Reign Energy LLC (MRE), in conjunction with Glockner Enterprises, to establish and operate hydrogen fueling stations in local communities across the U.S. and sell newly launched and pre-owned hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Millennium Reign Energy LLC (MRE) was founded in 2008, in Dayton Ohio by Chris McWhinney. He filed a provisional patent in November 2003 on a Residential Hydrogen Power Plant. The aim was to develop a cost-effective hydrogen generator to split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen and drive it with electricity from wind and solar. This hydrogen could be stored for times and used as fuel to run a standby electrical generator or to produce electricity with a fuel cell. This led to the development of Renewable Smart Micro Grids and provide diversified energy to homes and businesses, which allows for the opportunity to become totally Individually Energy Independent™. Each one is now known as Earth Station™. MRE now has 10 models of Scalable Hydrogen Fueling Appliances with a Certificate of Attestation from CSA to IR 3-18 and that meet all pertinent codes and standards to be deployed.

More commercialized hydrogen products are ready to deploy. Emerald H2 will begin by providing hydrogen fueling stations for fuel cell cars and forklifts. The vision is to build the Transcontinental Hydrogen Highway™ with 27 H2 stations from LA to New York, eventually building 30,000 fueling stations in the USA over 20 years with a projected $30 billion in sales of equipment and a projected $6.1 billion in annual recurring revenue on Hydrogen gas sales.



The Plan

Emerald H2 envisions building the Transcontinental Hydrogen TM Highway with 27 H2 stations from LA to New York. In the next phase, an additional 500 hydrogen fueling stations will be built by the end of 2024 and 5,000 more over the following 5 years after that, leading to ultimately 30,000 stations in the USA over 20 years with a projected $30 billion in sales of equipment and a projected $6.1 billion in annual recurring revenue on hydrogen gas sales.

Emerald H2 has the disruptive and transformational technology in the hydrogen space. With our technological advancements, our confidence is constantly reinforced by people that quickly accept our position and provide support. All indications show the time is now to aggressively pursue this opportunity with all the talent and financial resources that can be brought to bear with a clear vision and a sense of urgency. One report states that in the next 10 years the market could be as much as 500 Billion dollars for building out the USA hydrogen fueling infrastructure and that is what we do.

The nature of our opportunity is vast as Hydrogen replaces gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, propane, and can store electricity, all with sustainable renewable power and no pollution.. Our plan focuses on 6 low hanging fruit opportunities. Each market will be approached with the same time tested and proven products now in operation. MRE would like to thank you for exploring our historical opportunity to revolutionize the world’s energy markets.

CEO Message

At Millennium Reign Energy LLC, (“MRE”) we believe that to be truly independent in your energy use you must promote Individual Energy TM Independence . That means you have a completely renewable energy system that you own, operate and control, a Nano Grid. This complete energy system could be installed at your home. It could include for ® example a fully automated AutoARK hydrogen generator and storage tank, a set of batteries, a Fuel cell, and a solar array, and / or a wind turbine for the origin of electricity to begin. The hydrogen generator is scaled to produce enough stored hydrogen from water to run your cars and recreate electricity for all your individual energy needs when the batteries run out. Batteries are the primary source for back up power but would be sized for just one 12 to 20 hour period. The hydrogen will act as a load bank for the excess power produced by the renewables after the batteries are re-charged each day.


About Our Team

“Individual commitment to a group effort--that is what makes a team work, a company
work, a society work, a civilization work."

— Vince Lombardi

Chris McWhinney - CEO

Chris McWhinney Is the founder of MRE and co-inventor and Patent holder of 9 hydrogen based Patents. He has over 16 years of operational and engineering experience and more than a decade of experience developing automated water electrolysis models. He currently sits on several codes and standards technical subcommittees for hydrogen in SAE and CSA. Chris was a Senior Vice President with Primerica formerly a Citi Group Company were he managed $28 million in customer assets from 2,800 clients. Prior to this, he was a professional diesel mechanic for Mack Truck and had farmed 1,800 acres of corn and soybeans with his Dad and Brother.

Dave Erbaugh - CTO

Dave Erbaugh has extensive experience in electrochemical engineering together with project development and design experience. Skilled in electronics and automation and controller coding. He is listed as Co-inventor on 9 hydrogen based Patents.

Jim Donnally - CFO

Jim Donnally is currently serving as the interim CFO of MRE. He is the current CFO of Glockner Enterprises which is MRE’s largest single investor to date.

Advisory Board

Ben Zacks, Esq., Andy Glockner, Jim Donnally, Mario Parisi, Don Knoth, David Allen, Dan Brockman, and Matt Laherty. All very successful Independent business men in their own diverse fields. These advisors provide direct advise to Chris McWhinney individually as needed and 3 times per year in group face to face meetings.

Bill Collins - Safety Engineer

Bill Collins is senior safety and engineering advisors with over 30 years’ experience in hydrogen and sits on the codes and standards committees for hydrogen. Bob Boyd of Boyd hydrogen served 2 years with MRE to assist in the product certification stage and also sits on codes and standards committees.

Leadership Council

Tony Fuller, Esq.

Is a highly skilled senior executive who recently completed a 30 year career with Walmart as their first in house attorney . While at Walmart, he was responsible for the direction of energy sustainability efforts in addition to managing billions of dollars’ in corporate real estate assets and setting up close to 100 distribution centers. He also helped set up early gas stations at retail outlets of Walmart and Sams Club.

Bob Viney

Bob Viney is a retired Procter and Gamble Marketing Executive who served as P&G’s first Worldwide Environmental Marketing Manager. He successfully collaborated with industry and government groups on solid waste marketing and messaging programs and guidelines. Bob has 5 years of experience as a naval submarine nuclear power trained officer and nuclear power plant operator.

T. Patrick Duggan

is CEO of Duggan Consulting Associates, a management consulting firm that advises major US corporations in financial services, insurance, healthcare, technology, and public utilities.

Ben Zacks, Esq.

Corporate Attorney

Bill Richards, Esq.

Intellectual Property Attorney

Experienced Wind Developer

Dedicated to developing economical and environmentally sustainable
energy projects through wind, solar and biofuel resources throughout the nation.

National Renewable Solutions