The Great Trinity Declaration
1. What is The Great Trinity Declaration?

The Great Trinity Declaration is a commitment and initiative aimed at organizing and preparing technology workers in the face of armed conflict, particularly in the realm of cyber warfare. It seeks to create safeguards and mechanisms to protect individuals covered by the Geneva Conventions from harm caused by the misuse of technology.

2. How did The Trinity Declaration come about?

The Declaration arose from the recognition that technology's role in armed conflict is escalating, and technology workers play a crucial role in these situations. It emphasizes the need for philosophical preparedness among technology workers to prevent harm to innocent lives. The Declaration seeks to create a deterrent to the use of technology that violates the Geneva Conventions and to collect evidence when such violations occur.

3. Who are the signatories of The Trinity Declaration?

The signatories of The Trinity Declaration are individuals, corporations, and other non-political organizations committed to its goals and purposes. These signatories are not nations, territories, or political entities but rather entities and individuals dedicated to safeguarding individuals covered by the Geneva Conventions.

4. How does The Trinity Declaration operate independently of national and political alliances?

The Declaration acknowledges that its operation and execution must remain outside and independent of national and political alliances, similar to how organizations like the Red Cross and Red Crescent operate. This ensures a focus on humanitarian goals without being influenced by geopolitical considerations.

5. What are the different participation levels, and what do they entail?

There are several participation levels for both individuals and corporations, each with varying levels of commitment and contribution. These range from silent individual signatories at $1.00 a year to public large technology corporate signatories at $500 a year. The contributions go towards supporting the goals and initiatives of The Trinity Declaration.

6. What does the participation fee cover?

The participation fee serves as a commitment and support for The Trinity Declaration's goals and activities. It contributes to the creation, implementation, and maintenance of safeguards needed to protect individuals covered by the Geneva Conventions from harm caused by cyber warfare.

7. Can individuals and organizations from any country participate?

Yes, The Trinity Declaration is open to individuals and organizations globally. The commitment to the goals and purposes of the Declaration transcends national boundaries, emphasizing a shared responsibility in protecting individuals covered by the Geneva Conventions.

8. How will the collected funds be used?

Funds collected from participation fees will be utilized to identify, create, implement, and maintain safeguards necessary to protect those covered by the Geneva Conventions from harm caused by cyber warfare. This includes educational initiatives, the development of platforms to capture electronic evidence, and the overall promotion of responsible technology use.

9. How can I become a signatory of The Great Trinity Declaration?

To become a signatory, visit our website and choose your preferred participation level. You can then complete the sign-up process, making your commitment to the principles and goals outlined in The Great Trinity Declaration.

10. How can I get more information or seek clarification?

For more information or to seek clarification, contact us at the email or phone below. We are committed to providing transparent information and addressing any queries you may have about The Great Trinity Declaration and its initiatives.