
Initial Website Analysis

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Keyword Research

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SEO Strategy And Plan

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W3C Validation For Home Page

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Content Duplicity Check

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Initial Rank Report

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Google Penalty Check

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Competitive Analysis

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Broken Links Check

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Meta Tags/Title Tag Changes

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Redirect Check

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Internal Linking & Anchor Text Optimization

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Initial Website Analysis

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Image Optimization (Alt Tag)

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Optimize Anchor Text & Title Attributes

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Heading Tag Optimization

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Robots.Txt Analysis & Creation

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XML Sitemap For Google, Yahoo, Bing

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Google Webmaster Tools Account Setup

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Bing Webmaster Tools Account Setup

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Google Analytics Setup & Integration

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URL Rewriting (Canonical Fixing)

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Content Addition Recommendations (If Required)

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Initial Website Analysis

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Existing Content Optimization

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Custom 404 Page Creation

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Favicon Creation

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Informative Content Writing & Submission













If you desire your Android or iOS application to be robust, scalable and user-friendly or if you want a custom web development solution that meets all your requirement, our team OgreLogic, is adroit with that. Our efficient and flexible web solutions perform seamlessly across multiple platforms. Our sophisticated web solutions are the answers to your complex business problems.

Let’s Talk

Email marketing can be incorporated in just about any business that you might have and that too without any additional costs.

If you want to connect with your potential customers on a more personal level, Email marketing can be a great marketing strategy to go with. Today, Email has become one of the biggest parts of people’s lives. Almost everyone that you know has an Email address. Email marketing allows you to reach your target audience and it works. The reason why Emails work is because it can be tailored to a customer’s interests and actions. At OgreLogic, we offer Email marketing services at an economic and cost-effective price. With Email marketing going on for your business, you can expect to reach a large number of consumers and won’t have to spend anything per message.

Our Plans & Pricing

We offer different plans that meet the needs of different customers. From basic to enterprise, we do it all.


Who is this plan for?

Discover What Your ROI Could Be With The Basic Plan

Monthly Plans Starting At:

  • Campaigns Per Year1
  • Custom branded templates
  • Initial Consultation
  • Constant Contact Account Set-Up
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • Template Design & Layout
  • Email Creation
  • Email Blasting & Tracking
  • List management


Who is this plan for?

Discover What Your ROI Could Be With The Active Plan

Monthly Plans Starting At:

  • Campaigns Per Year1
  • Custom branded templates
  • Initial Consultation
  • Constant Contact Account Set-Up
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • Template Design & Layout
  • Email Creation
  • Email Blasting & Tracking
  • List management


Who is this plan for?

Discover What Your ROI Could Be With The Professional Plan

Monthly Plans Starting At:

  • Campaigns Per Year1
  • Custom branded templates
  • Initial Consultation
  • Constant Contact Account Set-Up
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • Template Design & Layout
  • Email Creation
  • Email Blasting & Tracking
  • List management


Who is this plan for?

Discover What Your ROI Could Be With The Enterprise Plan

Monthly Plans Starting At:

  • Campaigns Per Year1
  • Custom branded templates
  • Initial Consultation
  • Constant Contact Account Set-Up
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • Template Design & Layout
  • Email Creation
  • Email Blasting & Tracking
  • List management

SEO is vast and depending on what the nature of your business is, you can implement one of these different SEO type


Email marketing management altogether manages all potential customers that you have been dealing via email marketing. Email marketing management works by analyzing the conversations made between you and your leads and tailor call-to-action responses pertaining to their interests and actions. On the other hand, email marketing design focuses on designing emails in such a way that it is attractive to the readers, provides valuable information and raises the readers’ interest to take an action.


Email marketing design focuses on creating attractive infographics, email templates, rich media formats, and etc. to deliver content to your potential customers. OgreLogic can help your business excel with email marketing services, email marketing management and email marketing design to deliver a tailored experience to your potential customers.