IdeaNova is a software company with almost two decades of experience in IT security and secure video streaming. Inplay secure streaming pioneered distribution and integration of Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies for modern Inflight Entertainment Systems (IFE), the Media & Entertainment, healthcare and other industries.

Our range of Services and Products are designed to reduce the complexities of delivering security solutions via attractive, reliable, state of the art technology to our clients. In play secure streaming delivers ready to use components and end-to-end software everywhere.

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Our Products

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Inplay secure streaming provides an end to end DRM solution using modern technologies. These products are currently distributed around the world.

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Secure, customizable, multi-camera video conferencing platform accessible directly in browser with a single click.Intouch is a hosted platform by us or can

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A revolutionary new way of experiencing virtual shows and events with built in monetization and analytical tools for artists. Multiple camera angles allow for a

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Powerful data analysis tool that puts key data at an organization’s fingertips to be used to enhance and improve the customer’s complete IFE experience.

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INKEEPER provides DRM key management functionality used in connection with DRM packaging, and supports secure DRM key export and reporting functionality.

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All IdeaNova products accessible at your fingertips at the time when you need it the most. This “pay as you go” model will provide the latest of secure DRM content and key management, license issuance and analytics.

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Inplay Flow gives passengers “the best of both worlds” by allowing them to share content between PEDs and seatback screens. Inplay Flow makes it possible to share

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A unique solution, Intouch Nearcast upgrades the inflight experience for passengers on commercial flights and private jets. Now travelers can share

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What Customers Say

We are very happy with the work that IdeaNova Technologies did for us on a key project. They were able to drive the project forward by gaining team alignment, project management and solving challenging technical issues. In short, the project would not have been as successful without their effort.

-VP of Product Development Erik Lemond, Aircel

We are very happy with the work that IdeaNova Technologies did for us on a key project. They were able to drive the project forward by gaining team alignment, project management and solving challenging technical issues. In short, the project would not have been as successful without their effort.

-VP of Product Development Erik Lemond, Aircel

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