A vibration of love in your place

Do you live in a house or apartment that feels "heavy"?

Waking up is sometimes difficult and you have the impression of not being recharged in the early morning?

Do you feel the place is full of “memories”?

Do you know that difficult events have taken place inside?

It may be time for you to take charge of the energies of your place of life to find calm, well-being and the happiness of being at home.

It is possible to be able to completely change the "atmosphere" and the heaviness that you may feel or experience in your house or apartment.

I accompany you today to cleanse, rebalance and harmonize your entire living space.

A unique method of harmonization

This method is the result of a deep exploration of consciousness that was born from the close relationship that I have created for more than 25 years with the great forces of nature and my reliance on the plane of light. I have spent many years developing this method, which in its entirety is unique and exceptional.

This work is extremely effective and has no time limit in duration, once the intervention has been carried out in your place.

To allow yourself to do this work at home is to allow your place to carry you by improving your health, your sleep and all the little daily activities.

This intervention is not a simple cleaning or rebalancing of the place, it is a total vibratory reconfiguration of the energies of your living space.

It gives your place of living the possibility of being supported by a true vibration of love and gentleness which works, cleanses, restructures and works in the depths of your being.

The place becomes therapeutic and a real consciousness accelerator for the inhabitant, the couple or the whole family.

The energy put in place is deposited for life and will accompany and transform the inhabitants towards a general well-being and more clarity and awareness.

Today I train and teach hundreds of people from all over the world this new approach which requires several years of initiation via the Spirit of Nature course and which is accessible to anyone who would like to work with the forces of nature and develop this contact with the invisible worlds in complete confidence.

François' intervention in our house transformed it and helped us to feel in harmony with it.

We immediately saw significant changes. His intervention is of quality! It is a great experience that we wish you to live.

Jean Marc

François' intervention in our house transformed it and helped us to feel in harmony with it.

We immediately saw significant changes. His intervention is of quality! It is a great experience that we wish you to live.


François' intervention in our house transformed it and helped us to feel in harmony with it.

We immediately saw significant changes. His intervention is of quality! It is a great experience that we wish you to live.


A place that recharges you every day

In many cases and even without our knowing it, our place of life is sometimes so heavy that we are losing our vitality, our light and inner joy every day.

Our body can be in a state of stress, tension and chronic fatigue and the daily burdens prevent us from taking the time to take control of our place of life and find solutions to regain all our energy.

We do not realize the impact that the vibration of our place of life can have in our daily lives!

We are bathed in its energy all day and sometimes we are not even informed that we can truly change things and neutralize energetic disturbances and set up new vibrations to feel better and be supported in our activities.

A therapeutic space for life

Attunement with the Holosynergy approach can change your life and allow your place to be a true sanctuary for you to recharge and thrive in a place that never drains and brings you full of energy.

All components of your place are supported:

  • Full memory cleaning
  • Purification of the global energies of the habitat
  • The rebalancing of the place
  • Rectification of telluric problems (sources, faults, networks, etc.)
  • Neutralization of surrounding electromagnetic disturbances
  • Rise in vibration of the energy of the whole place in a personalized way on the different plans
  • Holosynergic Harmonization

This work is very different from geobiology and should not be confused with current harmonization methods.

This intervention absolutely does not use the classical and known geobiological methods.

This harmonization allows all the inhabitants of the place to be nourished by carrying energies and adapted to their personal projects and to be also considerably carried by the place according to the aspiration of each one.

Holosynergy is today a new reference for all those who wish a harmonization adapted to current energies and to the possibilities offered to us by the vibratory changes of this century.

It also very often makes it possible to be able to unblock certain problems, and has an action on the difficulties which can be encountered in daily life (family, friends, events).

Your place can support and carry you, so that you feel protected and deeply nourished.

frequently asked Questions

Holosynergy is a term to designate an alliance of unity with all the factors that make up the place and the inhabitant.

The word "Holo" means "the whole" or "totality", and "synergy" is the potential created new and non-existing in the natural state without this combination and collaboration.

We could literally say that this word means “the synergy of everything”.

Holosynergy is above all a method based on the ability to synergize the divine energies, the cosmotelluric forces, the spirits of nature and all the components (vibratory, emotional, evolutionary and conscientious) of the inhabitants of a place.

She integrates in her approach, both the forces of nature and the spiritual energies.

This innovation allows the entities responsible for and organizing cosmotelluric energies to intervene directly in the purification, harmonization and balancing of your living space.

The neutralization of the causes of disturbances in the place makes it possible to lay a sound foundation in order to be able to build something in its image.

Holosynergy thus offers the opportunity then to set up energies in connection and in coherence with your aspirations and your own vibrations.

This work is accomplished in harmony with the greatest respect for the place.

The place thus becomes a source of energy and vitality as well as a formidable tool for evolution and consciousness.

Although it is always personalized work, we always find these main lines:

  • People feel much calmer and their sleep is of much better quality.
  • They feel light and more serene while having more vital energy to act on a daily basis.
  • Ideas are clearer and some common things in life seem more obvious and constructed.
  • Relationships within the premises are calmer, more respectful.
  • Contacts with the neighborhood are better.
  • Situations that seem unrelated to the place are unblocked or clarified.

The intensity and harmony of the radiance in place in the place of life lead to expressing more fully one's potential and acquiring a greater awareness of one's environment.

The place becomes truly active and therapeutic, accelerating and facilitating any ongoing project or momentum or desired achievement.

This synergy obviously brings many transformations on the psychic level and greatly facilitates general balance and emotional stability.

Holosynergy approaches from a completely different point of view what geobiology takes into account.

It differs from geobiology by the almost unlimited possibilities in terms of correction of disturbances and raising of the vibratory rate that it brings.

It also offers two other approaches:

  • A work of physical reorganization of your place of life in order to recreate a space in which you can breathe better (color and lighting, layout, circulation, choice of furniture) when the harmonization is done on site.
  • A causal reading of the issues embodied in your place, because this approach takes into account that the place is in your image, which implies that the existing issues (energy or material) have a cause and a link with your life.

She appeals to the spirits of nature. They intervene directly and modify the vibratory aspect of the place in cooperation with beings of light.

This novelty, the result of in-depth collaboration and respect for the spirits of the elements, constitutes a quantum leap in the history of the mobilization of the forces present in a place of life.

See the article in the link: Holosynergy, an alternative to geobiology?

Harmonization aims to make a concrete and effective change in the way you live and perceive your place of life in order to improve your well-being.

A holosynergic intervention has an action much deeper and broader than simply the place of life.

This can unblock many external and relational problems because harmonization can dissolve many energy knots that sometimes prevent certain projects from being accomplished.

Holosynergy approaches from a completely different point of view what geobiology takes into account.

It differs from geobiology by the almost unlimited possibilities in terms of correction of disturbances and raising of the vibratory rate that it brings.

It also offers two other approaches:

  • A work of physical reorganization of your place of life in order to recreate a space in which you can breathe better (color and lighting, layout, circulation, choice of furniture) when the harmonization is done on site.
  • A causal reading of the issues embodied in your place, because this approach takes into account that the place is in your image, which implies that the existing issues (energy or material) have a cause and a link with your life.

She appeals to the spirits of nature. They intervene directly and modify the vibratory aspect of the place in cooperation with beings of light.

This novelty, the result of in-depth collaboration and respect for the spirits of the elements, constitutes a quantum leap in the history of the mobilization of the forces present in a place of life.

See the article in the link: Holosynergy, an alternative to geobiology?

Harmonization aims to make a concrete and effective change in the way you live and perceive your place of life in order to improve your well-being.

A holosynergic intervention has an action much deeper and broader than simply the place of life.

This can unblock many external and relational problems because harmonization can dissolve many energy knots that sometimes prevent certain projects from being accomplished.

I liked my house a lot but I didn't feel very well there, the atmosphere was heavy and sad and I had more energy when I went somewhere else for a few days than at home.

Since François harmonized the house, the air is light there is no longer this heavy sadness and it has brought me a lot of energy and help in my personal development.

I couldn't describe everything that happened (so much happened!) but it was a very beautiful experience, intense, full of sensations and discoveries and above all full of light...

The beautiful serenity and energy of François was able to set up this work, so that I feel better today in my heart and my soul.

The work of harmonization will have opened up an infinite horizon for us, a real stepping stone for our evolution.

Alix R

The choice of method was vast: classical geobiology with more or less esotericism, Feng shui, etc.

The choice of the holosynergy method corresponded to my current research in the field of meditation and philosophy.

My friends sensitive to the energy level of the place, feel it immediately. The beautiful serenity and energy of François was able to set up this work, so that I feel better today in my heart and my soul.

The beautiful serenity and energy of François was able to set up this work, so that I feel better today in my heart and my soul.

Our family problems have been clarified, recirculating our bonds of love between us, while transforming the initial project and readapting it to the present situation.

Claire C.

The Holosynergie method made it possible to completely neutralize the disturbances of the faults and springs which were located under the house, something which had been only partially possible with traditional geobiology.

I immediately noticed the changes that allowed me to feel more in harmony with the house.

Subsequently I also noticed that the work I had undertaken, inside my house, had taken on a new impetus.

The result of harmonization obtained by François, the spirits of nature, the guides, have created not only a place to live... but also a space to recharge your batteries!

Our family problems have been clarified, recirculating our bonds of love between us, while transforming the initial project and readapting it to the present situation.

A BIG thank you to François Breton for this work!

Claudio C

A few days after François' visit, a dark and damp stain (about 2m in diameter) appeared in the center of our stone-paved room. It lasted two days, then she died. In my opinion, a kind of evacuation of toxins from the house was expressed. In general, our house has become much lighter. The clarity of the atmosphere surprised us. And this the same day. From now on, the times of reflection are deeper. The concentration is more intense there.

Our young child is thriving in this house and we are both very happy. François' work may have something to do with it.

Thank you to François, for his humanity, for the work he has done with us and for his richness that he brings to our reach both intellectually and sensorially.

The result of harmonization obtained by François, the spirits of nature, the guides, have created not only a place to live... but also a space to recharge your batteries!

Jules D

We asked François to harmonize our treatment room to make it a healthy space, conducive to body and soul care. What strikes me is the ease and quality of centering once the harmonization of the place has been achieved.

As if we had flipped a switch to turn off all the jamming waves.

It takes a lot less energy and time for me to go up in vibration….and it takes a lot less time for my clients to fall asleep 😉 Everything seems simpler, brighter, more creative.

The result of harmonization obtained by François, the spirits of nature, the guides, have created not only a place to live... but also a space to recharge your batteries!

A big THANK YOU François for the quality and power of your work, for your availability and for your big heart. It is pure happiness to be able to treat in these conditions.

Emily H

Today, every person who comes to my house and to the office tells me how good they feel and how serene they feel.

But the most of this intervention is the personal accompaniment that was offered to me: an understanding of my Being through what resonates in the house that I have chosen.

I was able to benefit from special care with Beings of nature and places. A real repair took place thanks to the reading of certain causal memories.

Each piece is harmonized to the millimeter, and wonderfully adapted to my own personal and spiritual evolution.

I express my deep gratitude for the expert and heartfelt work that Francois brought to me and am aware of the truly marvelous gift that guided me to his sphere of consciousness.

Valerie G
Do you want to learn this method?

Meet and harmonize the places of life in collaboration with the spirits of nature