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Find Your Forward Newsletter Archive

The newsletter to move you forward when you are stuck, facing a crossroads, or adapting to a fast-changing world.

#28: Remember that kid who wasn't afraid of anything?

Back in December of 2002, I was at an entrepreneurial conference in California. On the closing night a 17-year-old girl, who wanted to become a singer, was invited on stage with a country singer.


#27: How do you re-pay someone who helped you

I owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Wimer. She was my 8th grade Home Economics teacher in Goodman, Missouri and she taught me one of the most valuable lessons that I have ever learned in my entire life.


#26: Healthy boundary setting is a form of self-love.

It was the summer of 1999 and Rick and I had only been dating for a month or so. He picked me up from work and we stopped by my apartment before heading out to dinner so I could change.


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Find Your Forward is my bi-weekly newsletter to move you forward when you are stuck, facing a crossroads, or adapting to a fast-changing world. No matter where you are, there is always a way forward.