
Commercial Satellite Market & Innovation


Issue Four | Focus: UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The world is undergoing an extraordinary technological revolution in satellite and high altitude communications. A dramatic increase in broadband capacity across the globe, spurred by new technologies, (including recent innovations in broadband High Altitude Platforms (HAPs)), is bringing the promise of reliable and affordable broadband connectivity to the hardest-to-reach corners of the Earth.

Issue Four focuses on HAPs’ role in helping achieve the aggressive goals of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while creating a new, innovative and cost-effective solution towards connecting the 3B people who today do not have access to the Internet.


Issue Three | Focus: Maritime Sector

Maritime Communications is one of the fastest growing segments of Ku band satellite services (satellite communications) with the amount of voice and data service provided to cargo ships, passenger ships and private vessels is increasing rapidly. As the world continues to see exponential data and broadband growth every year, demand is also outpacing supply in the Maritime sector as vessels are increasingly using broadband communications to coordinate their activities and as an incentive to onboard employees.

Issue Three focuses on one of the primary and largest market opportunities for Avealto and HAPs, Maritime broadband connectivity and communications.


Issue Two | Looking Back, Leaning Forward

Many factors are contributing to the latest space race to fill the skies with broadband satellites. These satellites often provide poor coverage while leaving billions of people without access. The world’s Internet capacity has become the new Moore’s law, with a forecasted increase of 50% to 70% over the coming five years. This does not even factor in the Covid-19 crisis, which some fear will overload and break the Internet. Why HAPs (High Altitude Platforms) offer an exciting solution, just in time.

Issue Two focuses on the market, players and near term future with respect to the latest development and trends in the world.


Issue One | Welcome

Introducing INSIGHTS, a regular exploration combining decades of experience as telecom and space pioneers and bringing a positive disruption of the commercial satellite market. Since 1988, Avealto’s leadership has been steadfast in their commitment, across a number ventures and organizations, to the opening the door for commercial development and democratization of space initiatives. (#newspace).

Issue One focuses on the history and technology of the commercial satellite services sector, including putting the first civilian into space.



Vodcast: Zoom Interview with Avealto Founders Walt Anderson and David Chambers

In this zoom interview, Avealto founders Walt Anderson and David Chambers discuss High Altitude Platform (HAPs), and share Avealto development updates with host Matt Bauer.

Episode One: Featuring Walt Anderson & Tom Olson

Episode One of the Avealto INSIGHTS Podcast features Co-founder and CEO Walt Anderson as well as Business Development Chief, Tom Olson taking a deep dive on both the history and technology of the commercial satellite services sector...

Episode Two: The History and Future of Commercial Space with Walt Anderson

Episode One of the Avealto INSIGHTS Podcast features Co-founder and CEO Walt Anderson as well as Business Development Chief, Tom Olson taking a deep dive on both the history and technology of the commercial satellite services sector...

Episode Three: The Technology, Politics and Business of HAPs with David Chambers

In Episode Three of the Avealto INSIGHTS Podcast, host Matt Bauer has David Chambers, Avealto Co-founder and CTO, in the INSIGHTS Booth to discuss the technological, political and business evolution of High Altitude Platforms (HAPs).