Who We Are

We are a personalized, fully custom design studio in New York. By combining beautiful design, branding and strategy we create experiences that transform the way people interact and react to brands.

Everything we do is “Homemade”, We do it all ourselves. If there’s something we don’t know how to do, we identify what skills are required and bring the best people together to create something truly extraordinary.

We understand your business goals and deliver them according to your business values. We do that by taking enormous care of our people – talented world-leading designers who know how to create your success. We are passionate about transparency, reliability, trust and outstanding customer care – we aren’t happy with our creation until you are.


Our Philosophy

Never stop learning, experience creatively, take risks, focus on customer service.

No secretaries. No account teams. No sales profiles. One person separates the customer from the team and controls the flow of the relationship. And that's it.

Creative Team

  • courtney-italia
    instagram-social linkedin-social

    Courtney Italia

    Founder & Creative Director
  • mike-ferris

    Michael Ferris

    Film & Video Producer
  • nathan-trevena

    Nathan Trevena

    Business Development
  • jennifer-italia

    Jennifer Italia

    Copywriter & Unsolicited Opinions