An international speaker and author, Alan is passionate about leadership and reaching new heights. His life philosophy revolves around empowering people and embracing an agile mentality focused on results. By understanding what drives us, we find innovative ways of thinking and acting. Alan has a degree in Engineering from Queen’s University and a Masters in Psychology from Adler University, giving him a well-balanced approach to the challenges we all face. Alan has worked internationally with organizations as an engineer developing patents and solutions to complex challenges in the mining and metals industry. Living abroad has deepened his understanding of work challenges, such as diversity and adapting to different work cultures. Alan took the journey of a lifetime and set a world record on Mount Everest along with three members of his immediate family. It was a two-month expedition and their success required unwavering perseverance and resilience. Alan’s keynotes and training programs help organizations achieve breakthrough performance.


A short video overview of Alan Mallory's keynote presentations and interactive workshops.


Reaching New Heights is a dynamic and informative program that is built around the two years of planning and two months of climbing that are involved in reaching the summit of Mount Everest. Considered one of humanity’s greatest feats of physical, mental and emotional endurance, the exciting expedition to the top of the world’s highest peak is a journey filled with unparalleled challenges through some of the roughest, most extreme conditions imaginable. Alan Mallory took on the challenge and set a world record when he, along with three other members of his immediate family, reached the summit. The expedition challenged the limits of their entire beings and at every stage of the ascent demanded an unwavering commitment to resilience and perseverance. From teetering across ladders spanning seemingly bottomless crevasses and fighting the many altitude-related sicknesses to clambering up vertical ice faces, every segment of the climb was filled with intense, extraordinary challenges. Alan’s dynamic program focuses on developing leaders and strengthening teams by reinforcing the professional development and leadership skills that are essential for success. Supported by stunning images and videos from the expedition, Alan highlights the strategies, thinking and action steps that allow us to move beyond our perceived limitations, both individually and collectively. Participants will come away with new perspectives and ideas on how each of us can reach new heights in our personal and professional journeys. Some of the key focus areas include: Maintaining a future mindset Empowering people to make informed decisions The importance of family and cohesive teams Responding quickly and efficiently to challenges that arise Working together to achieve ambitious mutual goals Adaptive planning based on lessons learned Embracing and working through change Developing trust in professional relationships Resolving conflict and interpersonal challenges Improving communication by overcoming barriers Risk management, mitigation and risk responses The importance of team interaction and collaboration Agile leadership tools and strategies in adaptability The mentality and passion involved in conquering one’s own ‘Everest’, whatever that may be. The real story is much more than the climb; it is about a purpose-driven team that set an ambitious goal, committed to the planning and preparation, persevered with passion and achieved success. The powerful strategies and skills that contributed to this achievement, especially during the intense and at many times critical situations, can be applied to all aspects of life.