
There are 12 distinct energies (zodiac signs) that influence you soul gorwth and evolution. These energies shape your personality traits, Karmic lessons, and challenges, as well as provide opportunities for spiritual development. Unlock each zodiac key to discover how a particular energy unfluences your life path.

The Nurturer

Home is not where you live, but where they understand you

— Christian Morgenstern


June 21 – July 22


The Crab


Cardinal Water






The Stomach, Brain, Chest & Breasts


Silver & White




Indigestion, Ulcers & Chronic diseases


parsley, sage, aloe, evening primrose, myrtle, cinnamon, lemon balm, hyacinth, bay leaves, water lily.


The Chariot


Affirmation to Reconnect with Self:

"I nurture and radiate love & compassion in all that I do"

When In Alignment

Emotional Intelligence: This emotional awareness allows to navigate relationships with sensitivity, understanding, and compassion.

Nurturing Nature: : This ability to nurture fosters healthy relationships and promotes personal growth for both themselves and those around them.

IIntuition: Ability to understand and sense the emotions and needs of others, even without explicit communication.

Loyalty: This loyalty fosters trust and deep connections, contributing to a sense of belonging and emotional fulfillment.

Adaptability: are often able to create a safe and nurturing environment, regardless of the circumstances. Their adaptability contributes to their personal growth and their ability to navigate through life's challenges.

When Out of Alignment

Over-Emotional Reactions: These reactions may hinder your ability to effectively communicate or resolve conflicts in a healthy manner.

Clinging or Overprotectiveness: may struggle with letting go or allowing loved ones to grow independently. You may become excessively protective or clingy, which can hinder personal growth for both themselves and those they care for.

Moodiness or Withdrawal: susceptible to mood swings and may withdraw emotionally when feeling overwhelmed or hurt. This tendency can create emotional distance and strain relationships if not addressed.

Holding Onto Past Hurts: a strong emotional memory and may hold onto past hurts or grudges.

Over-Reliance on Others: This can create a dependency that hampers their personal growth and self-esteem.

We want to get to know you...


Request a Soul-focused Birth Chart or Tarot reading today. A Soul-focused Birth Chart Reading (also know as Evolutionary Astrology reading) focuses on the soul's evolutionary journey, providing insights into your past life influences, karmic patterns, and the soul's purpose in this lifetime. Unlike a traditional birth chart, which primarily examines personality traits and life circumstances, a Soul Birth Chart dives deeper into the spiritual dimensions of your path, offering guidance on how to align with your soul's potential and navigate challenges for spiritual growth.

Similarly, a Soul-Focused Tarot Reading is a tarot reading that emphasizes the spiritual aspects of your journey, providing guidance and clarity on soul lessons, spiritual growth opportunities, and the soul's purpose in this lifetime. Rather than focusing solely on mundane concerns or future predictions, a Soul-Focused Tarot Reading explores the deeper layers of the psyche, uncovering hidden truths, and offering insights into the soul's journey toward wholeness and enlightenment.

Both a Soul Birth Chart and a Soul-Focused Tarot Reading provide valuable tools for self-discovery, spiritual growth, and personal transformation, offering a holistic perspective on your journey through life and the lessons you are here to learn. Through these modalities, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your life's purpose, empowering you to live more authentically and align with your soul's highest potential.

Whether you are requesting a Soul-focused Birth Chart Reading or a Tarot Reading, please help us to better understand you and your needs by completing the below requested questions.