• roma@rmhcoll.com

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  • 2815 Camino del Rio South # 111 San Diego, CA 92108

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Know the Truth for Peace of Mind

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Let’s Hire a Private Investigator


Thank You! Two words we don’t say enough. We know when it comes to selecting a collection agency you have a choice. We appreciate you taking the time to consider our service. We are constantly investing in and looking for, new ways to recover past-due accounts faster and smarter than our competition. The Credit and Collection industry of the new millennium requires the latest tools and special investigative techniques in order to keep you at least one step ahead of increasingly sophisticated debtors.

Today, business owners are more knowledgeable about domestic and international collection laws. Traditional hardcore collection techniques often prove ineffective and can reflect poorly on your company image. Our firm will customize a collection technique exclusively for your needs. Just let us know how you want us to approach your clients or debtors.


Years of Experience

Roma, Murphy & Horowitz utilize professional personnel, highly skilled in contract negotiations and investigative techniques. Our staff has a broad range of experience in all types of commercial contracts. They utilize this knowledge to communicate effectively with your customers and overcome their stalls and objections to payment. Simply put, our methods recover more money, in less time, than our competition.

We utilize attorneys affiliated with the Commercial Law League of America. This is a network of attorneys, worldwide, that allows us to coordinate litigation for our clients when necessary. This is an important feature of our service as it streamlines the collection process and allows us to bring EVERY account to a final conclusion. It is worthy to note that the vast majority of claims (over 80%) never make it to trial because of our aggressive negotiating tactics which, of course, saves money!

We contact each claim within 1-2 hours of placement, in most cases (except in the event of a large volume placement). Each month, your company will receive a clear, concise statement of funds collected and we remit on the 20th of the following month. Our rates are always negotiable on large volume placements and balances.

Introducing the Private Investigation Agency

We have a full time investigative firm with direct online access to the databases, which enable our collectors to find assets or motivating information to get prompt resolution. Our goal is to make your account the debtor's first priority

  • Full Asset and Liability Investigation
  • Expert Judgment Collections
  • Convenience
  • Private Investigator Visits
  • Legal Representation
  • Large Volume Placements

We’re Trusted by 1400+ Clients

Our Services

One of the best……on Freight-Transportation 3rd party enforcement collections.

Roma, Murphy & Horowitz can assist you in making informed business decisions, minimizing risk, and granting credit with more confidence. We offer the following services:.

Financial Investigations

Public Record Search Commercial Debt Recovery

It helps you with Real Estate search issues ,criminal ligation and other issues

Financial Investigations

Investigation Credit Evaluation

It helps you with Break Terms,Bankruptcy and many other issues

Financial Investigations


It helps you with Stock, Mutual Fund Search,Loan File Review and many more.

24 hours service available

Call our investigator now to solve your problem

We specialize in attorney and legal services

Why You Should Choose Our Agency For a Good Career

01 - Employment Opportunities

We have had the highest recovery ratios in the industry and for over 10 years our firm has cultivated a great relationship with top fortune companies...Read More

02 - Frontline Sales

We are looking for high-energy, highly motivated, experienced and aggressive telephone sales staff to join our growing team!...Read More

03 - Commercial Collector

We are looking for high energy, highly motivated, experienced Commercial Collectors to join our team!...Read More