Tag Archives: Popular

Microsoft’s OneDrive

Audio and Video Transcription Support Coming to Microsoft’s OneDrive

Microsoft on Tuesday announced that the tech giant is introducing new capabilities to OneDrive over the next few weeks and months. One of the most interesting features that Microsoft announced was the native audio and video transcription support. What this means is that the cloud storage service will automatically transcribe the audio and video files that the user uploads.

However, the audio and video transcription capability is limited to the OneDrive for Business. In order to power this automated transcription capability, Microsoft is using the same AI that’s used in Microsoft Stream, which is a video-sharing service for corporate customers.

Whenever a viewer views a video or listens to an audio, a full transcript of the file will be shown in the OneDrive viewer. The viewer supports more that 320 different file types. This feature will also help users search for media based on the content that’s within them.

There is no official launch date for the functionality to be available in OneDrive for Business. We are also not sure if Microsoft will bring this functionality to all OneDrive users.

Bing App

The New Bing App Solves Complex Mathematical Problems

Accept it or deny it, mathematical problems have always been our biggest fears when in school. The complex steps that we followed in order to solve a complex problem only left us overwhelmed. However, today a new app called Bing Search solves mathematical problems within seconds. What a lucky generation! You might think that it is cheating but the app also shows the logical steps that it took to come to the solution of an assigned problem.

The Microsoft Bing Search app has a unique math mode dedicated to solve mathematical problems. The app uses Microsoft’s AI and visual search technology to analyze a picture depicting the math problem and arrives to a solution.

Here are the simple steps that you can take to calculate a math problem using the Bing Search app:

  • Download and launch the Bing Search app for iOS on your iPhone or iPad.
  • When in app, tap the camera icon and select the math mode.
  • Focus the camera on the math problem that may either be on a paper, whiteboard or screen. The app is also capable of scanning printed, typed or handwritten equations.
  • The app detects the equation and calculates the answer within seconds. When the answer is displayed, you can scroll down to see the steps that the app took to come to the conclusion.

Currently, the Bing app is only available in the US and is expected to arrive to Android soon.

CRO Tools

How CRO Tools can Expedite Your Website’s SEO?

CRO or conversion rate optimization can be described as systemic process that uses analytics and user feedback to improve the performance of your website. Conversion rate optimization is geared towards increasing the percentage of people who visit your website to take an action that you desire. For example, fill out a form, subscribe to your newsletter, etc. The process of CRO involves understanding how your visitors navigate through your site, what actions they take, and what actually is stopping them from taking the actions that you want them to take in the first place.

If you have done search engine optimization for a while now, you probably know that optimization of a website never really ends. There is always something more that you can do for your website to make it perform better. As more users begin to engage with your website, you are bound to make some tweaks and changes to the website in order to offer a better user experience or get the desired action taken from your visitors. This is where CRO or conversion rate optimization can play a great role.

How do CRO Tools Help You in SEO?

When you look at CRO and SEO, it can sometimes become hard to determine which one to prioritize when optimizing our website. It is because SEO on one hand helps you drive quality traffic to the website which can then be converted into potential customers. On the other hand, CRO can help you set up a reliable conversion path before you start driving quality traffic to the website.

There are many incredible CRO tools out there on the market that can make your CRO approach toward your website easier and effective. Using CRO tools to optimize your website helps you in the followings ways:

  • It helps you segment the traffic that your website is receiving and convert them into potential customers
  • It helps you find useful insights about your website by analyzing how users are interacting with your website and products
  • With proper utilization of CRO tools, you are able to adjust your budget spending for the purpose of marketing and optimization
  • When CRO tools are implements correctly, it can generate better profits