Facts on How to Advertise on Tik Tok

Facts on How to Advertise on Tik Tok

While most of the marketers are awaiting Tik Tok’s full launch of the platform for more ad options to connect to the users worldwide, it’s rapidly growing market in the west shows uncertain prospects for many. However, could Tik Tok be a possible social media marketing platform is still under several notions? Nevertheless, some facts will enlighten you about how to advertise businesses on Tik Tok:


Bid for Ads


Talking about biddable ads, most of the social media networks have a self-serve platform that allows the marketers to set-up and run their ads themselves. In the case of Tik Tok’s beta version that was launched early on in April 2019, the “managed service platform” did bring biddable ads space to the limelight but still required reps to run the ads. This is why users cannot still access its bidding platform as a whole.


The in-feed video ads on Tik Tok are based on three important products including CPC (Cost per Click), CPM, and CPV (cost per view) (6 seconds), which marketers look forward to branding businesses on this platform. Below are a few things that provide an overview of how it is done.


Branding through Videos


When a user opens the app, the message of your brand appears instantly appears focusing on the message that you wish to spread to reach out to the users. However, the con behind this part is that Tik Tok allows only one advertiser per day, which needs to be optimized for a full swing.


Hashtag Challenge 


This is yet another way to advertise on Tik Tok that flaunts the natural tendency of the users to share the content on it. This accounts for Tik Tok’s representative to coordinate with the brand for around 6 days until the ad campaign comes to a completion.


No matter what Tik Tok has in store for its millions of users across the globe, it surely has bright prospects for social media marketers to use it as a strong tool.

Microsoft’s OneDrive

Audio and Video Transcription Support Coming to Microsoft’s OneDrive

Microsoft on Tuesday announced that the tech giant is introducing new capabilities to OneDrive over the next few weeks and months. One of the most interesting features that Microsoft announced was the native audio and video transcription support. What this means is that the cloud storage service will automatically transcribe the audio and video files that the user uploads.

However, the audio and video transcription capability is limited to the OneDrive for Business. In order to power this automated transcription capability, Microsoft is using the same AI that’s used in Microsoft Stream, which is a video-sharing service for corporate customers.

Whenever a viewer views a video or listens to an audio, a full transcript of the file will be shown in the OneDrive viewer. The viewer supports more that 320 different file types. This feature will also help users search for media based on the content that’s within them.

There is no official launch date for the functionality to be available in OneDrive for Business. We are also not sure if Microsoft will bring this functionality to all OneDrive users.

Programmatic Advertising

The Truth about Programmatic Advertising

The term ‘Programmatic Advertising’ refers to buying and selling ad inventory using an automated, data-driven procedure. This includes video, mobile, native and display ads.

As programmatic advertising gains momentum among marketers, it is important to separate the truth from the myths. Here is a look.

Programmatic Buying (PB) and Real Time Bidding (RTB) – Different Animal?

In the world of digital media buying, programmatic buying refers to automated ad buying while real-time bidding is a specific mechanism for automatically bidding and buying using an auction format. So, RTB is a part of Programmatic Buying.

Automated bids are placed by advertisers for an impression or ad space. The highest bidder wins the auction and ad space or impression on a particular web page (which is then loaded immediately).

RTB – Low-quality?

There have been cases of suspect publishers supplying the RTB ecosystem with questionable inventory. However, most quality SSPs and DSPs actively work to remove such inventory since it wouldn’t benefit anyone in the long run.

Initially, RTB was a way of earning from unsold inventory. But not anymore. In today’s landscape, virtually every impression is potentially available through RTB. For example, Header bidding allows advertisers to choose impressions at the highest priority and increase their revenue by taking the best price available for any given impression.

Programmatic is a ‘Black Box’?

The lack of transparency in the value chain, inconsistent measurement, ad fraud and brand safety were initial concerns with programmatic advertising. But that was mainly due to the business models offered by companies that offered programmatic buying services.

And that is changing.

With ad platforms, such as Trade desk, announcing AI tools to give marketers clarity on where their programmatic dollars go, the Programmatic Black Box is turning more transparent.

These tools simplify the programmatic buying process and enable advertisers to predict who they can reach, ahead of each campaign. Simplified buying becomes more scalable too as buyers understand how to better allocate spend and assign value.

To learn more about Programmatic Advertising and how you can benefit from it, get in touch with OgreLogic, the best digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas. Call OgreLogic at 512-808-5536 for digital marketing services that generate revenue in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Video Marketing

Why Vertical Video Marketing is the Future!

Our phones are built to be held and used vertically most of the time. People hold their phones vertically even when using most social media sites. The only times that one can think about using their phone in landscape view is while watching a really long video such as a movie or while playing a game.

Since people use their phones vertically a lot more than they use it in landscape mode, it makes sense to use vertical videos when it comes to marketing your products or service.

Here are 4 reasons why vertical video marketing is the future:

  1. Our phones are usually made to be held vertically. Today, with bigger and wider screens, viewing a video even in portrait mode allows the user to immerse them in the video. Advertisements that require the phone to be rotated get less engagement from the user. On the other hand, vertical ads are seamless and receive better engagement.
  2. Computers are no longer the platform to get social. Today, mobile has become the greatest platform for social media. Trending social media apps are designed to be used vertically and it is convenient to be used that way. With social media now allowing advertisers to market their products, sneaking your ads seamlessly and in vertical video formats will ensure that you receive better engagement from your targeted users.
  3. The first app that showed the power of vertical videos was SnapChat and soon Instagram followed the similar trend. Recently, WhatsApp and Facebook have done the same thing. More than that, smartphones are also optimizing their device’s screen for better vertical viewing by introducing new aspect ratios and screen sizes.
  4. Vertical videos are more engaging than landscape ones. Since the user is not required to rotate their phones to view the ad, it all looks like a part of the application or the activity that they are doing on their smartphone. This makes the user engage with the ad and not make them feel it like a task.
Happy Anniversary OgreLogic

Ogrelogic Solutions Celebrates the Successful Completion of Three Years

It is a proud moment for us as Ogrelogic Solutions marks the 3rd anniversary on 29th June 2018. We have come a long way since we started as a three members team. Today, Ogrelogic Solutions is a solid team of more than 75 employees. Along with the celebrations, the cofounders of Ogrelogic Solutions, Mr. Manan Vashisht and Mr. Gaurav Sharma share how the company met new milestones, came across unexpected obstacles and the future vision of Ogrelogic Solutions.

Ogrelogic Solutions was started on 29th June 2015 and today the company has grown to set up its new offices in many countries including USA, and India. “The company started as a simple digital marketing agency and is now moving into the zone of IT consultancy”, stated CEO, Manan Vashisht. He also added, “Ogrelogic Solutions started with the low hanging food of digital marketing, SEO, SMO, web development, mobile applications, and web app. In 2018-2019, we are looking at getting into detailed IT consulting and software development company”.


The biggest challenge that Ogrelogic Solutions had to face was the human resource. At first, we believed this would not be a challenge but overcame it by implementing certain trends.

We Are Unique!

Ogrelogic Solutions is also among the first few companies that registered the company in the US first and then registered the company in India. We brought the concept of “Train the Trainer”, which has been helping new employees to be trained extensively. We always believed that more than sales, retention is important. We put our focus on the delivery part, retention part, and the customer satisfaction part to help us become what we are today and it still remains our key focus. We actively put our focus on ensuring every employee’s growth path in the company. CEO, Manan Vashisht stated, “Every single person in the company for me is a profit unit”. We are also very keen on rewarding and recognizing talented and hardworking individuals. Unlike other companies, when we even promote individuals in 3 months and 6 months based on their talent, maturity, growth prospects, and when the employee brings a lot of revenue. We are also focused on giving our Ogres international exposure and introduce them to other parts of the world.

Ogrelogic Solutions Believes in Youth

We believe in youth, they are young, rearing to go, dynamic, want to develop an identity for themselves. “The ideology behind hiring youths is very simple, we want to train them, they are fresh, educated, have their own ideas, today’s youths believe in the power of social media, and they believe in the power of communication”, explained CEO Manan Vashisht. We keep looking for talented kids and go to different colleges across the country and offer them jobs with handsome salaries.

The Strategy for The Year 2018-2019

We want to work as a dedicated resource management company and get into more technologies”, said CEO Manan Vashisht. Ogrelogic Solutions aims to double up the number of employees and double up the revenues. The company has been successful in doing business in countries such as USA, Canada, and Australia. Now we are looking forward to exposing ourselves to other parts of the world. We are also actively working on our KRA management, SLA management, we are trying to build up the software for our own selves among which one of them is the HR software. The next thing that we are focused on is getting into the products market. We also want to build products for our own self. We want to tap into the healthcare business, financial business, and human resource business in the year 2018-2019.

video marketing

The Ultimate 5-Step guide To Use Facebook Live As A Video Marketing Tool

Facebook Live allows anyone to broadcast live videos from their mobile directly to Facebook news feed. And with that, Facebook has handed marketers another great tool to communicate with the customers.

To make effective use of this simple yet awesome tool, there are a few things marketers need to consider so that they can engage the followers and customers better. We are sure, by now, you know how to broadcast on Facebook Live. The feature allows you not only to broadcast a video live but also allow followers to replay it later; you can block and unblock users, and more.

The real question is how to analyze the performance if your video. Facebook lets you analyze –

  • Peak live Viewers
  • Minutes Viewed
  • Video views
  • 10-second views
  • Unique viewers
  • Average percentage completion
  • People reached
  • Reactions, comments, shares

Each of these metrics can be further explored to see how it changed over time, represented graphically.

How to make the most of this amazing tool is what marketers are trying to figure out and strategies are evolving as we go. Here are a few quick tips from the video production team at OgreLogic, one of the top digital marketing companies in Austin.

Keep Telling ‘EM Who You Are

Just as you introduce yourself in the beginning, don’t forget do so in the middle and other times during the broadcast. This is for the benefit of viewers who may keep joining later as they spot you in their news feed. That makes it important to reintroduce yourself and the purpose behind the broadcast.

Testing… One, Two, Three…

If you are new to Facebook Live, test your live video with “only me” in the privacy settings.

Keep Them Hooked

Since the videos in the news feed autoplay but in stay muted unless turned on, it is absolutely important that your video catches the attention of the viewers visually, right from the beginning. At the same time, remember that people will keep joining as they find you in the news feed. So the engagement has to be kept high throughout the video.

There is another interesting fact not many people know about Facebook Live. Facebook now has algorithms to track when viewers turn the audio on, when they turn to full screen and more. This makes more engaging videos rank higher up in news feeds.

The best way to engage with your audience is to call out their names. Since you can see who is commenting, in real time, you could address them by name and that really scores high with the viewers. You could answer their questions or share if someone made a joke.

Unstructured Is Cool

Since Facebook is not a formal platform, it is okay to let your hair down and let the video flow spontaneously, say experts at OgreLogic, the reputed video marketing agency in Austin. That is, in fact, the edge you get with Facebook Live as compared to recorded videos and that is what keeps the viewers glued to the screen.

Like And Share

Ensuring that viewers like and share your video is the most important part of the activity. Since viewers are with you, you could ask them to like and share a couple of time throughout the video.

As social media sites come up with more ideas like Facebook Live, the applications are limited only to the imagination of the marketer. Be innovative, don’t be afraid to experiment a little and embrace the platform you are using.

To know more on how to make the most of video marketing for your brand or to talk to an expert, visit one of the leading video marketing agencies in Austin at ogrelogic.com.

Mobile App Development

5 Steps To choose The Best Mobile App Development Company

There are apps and there are apps. So how do you make sure that the company you choose to get your app developed from is a good one? Here are some tips to choose the right mobile app development company.

Know What You Want

Yes, it may sound obvious, but not many businesses set out with a clear understanding of what they exactly want the mobile app to do. Understanding your own requirement would certainly help you narrow down your mobile app development company search. Do you want an iOS, Android or Windows App;Native app or Hybrid app? Who are the users going to be? Who are you targeting? Answering such questions will help you be more specific and closer to getting the app developed.

Check The Company’s Portfolio

Find out how long the company has been developing mobile apps? Have a look at their portfolio. Have the mobile app development company you been considering experienced in the kind of application that you want to develop. The previous work will give you a glimpse into the company’s skill and experience.

Check Transparency

Check whether the mobile app development company is open enough to share constant communication regarding your app. There should be a continuous feedback loop and a system in place for the client to be able to communicate with the company properly.

The company should be prompt and transparent in their communication. There should be a mutually agreed upon policy to communicate through mails, Skype, phones or in-person meetings.

Check Cost Effectiveness

Building within your budget is important but that doesn’t mean you grab the cheapest offer available. Lay emphasis on a high quality app that would fit within your budget. Too-good-to-be-true may actually be untrue.

Is The Company As Excited As You About The New App

An enthusiastic team is a sign that they would actually treat the entire project as their own. Some companies are willing to create a prototype before building the actual product. Some companies would offer you add-on services that are not part of the standard package. Decide on terms about what happens if they not deliver on or before the deadline.

At OgreLogic, our comprehensive app development abilities are well-versed in designing and supporting apps across various mobile platforms. Continuous support ensures your app stay up to date and best in class.

To know more about one of the best mobile app development companies, visit ogrelogic.com.

Video Marketing Services

The Year of Video Marketing

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.” Marketers are cashing in on this old adage as it becomes easier than ever to create videos with new, innovative tech tools. Video marketing is a new type of digital marketing wherein businesses create short videos and upload them to video sharing website for increased exposure. By 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic, according to Cisco. Video-on-demand traffic alone will have almost trebled. Nielsen claims that most marketers expect video to dominate their marketing strategy in times to come. The recent Volkswagen campaign with three videos and a total of 155 million views is evidence that video is the future of online marketing.

Video has unique advantages to it that no other form of content has. As audiences get increasingly busier, video quickly grabs attention and keeps the viewer joyfully and emotionally engaged for a longer duration. A video satisfies both engagement and entertainment needs at the same time, making the viewer spend longer time with the brand, increasing brand affinity. Video content is not only easy-to-understand but also enjoyable and takes less time as compared to other content in this age of information overload. No wonder it is going to be the tool of choice in the marketer’s kit in the future. That said, marketers must consider content relevance and creativity to utilize this tool’s potential completely. The indispensable role of social media and mobile phones can’t be neglected either.

Videos can easily become effective lead generation tools. Video viewing data can be used to score, segment and qualify leads. It is the only way marketers can track actual engagement with the content, and hence, the brand. As marketers use video marketing as an active platform to engage audiences, video analytics can quickly turn data to results from lead generation to revenue. No wonder 2015 has been called the “Year of Video Marketing.”