ogrelogic app

5 Top Reasons Apps Fail

Millions of apps are available on the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. A user only takes a few seconds to decide whether or not s/he will download an app or not. And the large number of apps available further adds to the competition for user attention. Most businesses wonder what it takes to develop a successful mobile app.

The competition is undoubtedly immense, yet clutter is not the only reason many apps fail. Read on to understand reasons why mobile apps fail and how you can design your strategy in order to effectively meet your goals.

Poor Research

It’s easy to think that users will love your app, but it is essential to have an excellent understanding of your product’s target audience, much before development begins. Your app will succeed only if it addresses a specific user need.

During the early stages of your project, identify the product’s central demographics and create user persona. The more detailed the user persona is, the better. Include things like demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals, in the user persona.

Lack of uniqueness

App stores are full of similar apps. A successful app is one that offers a unique value proposition (UVP).

To create your UVP, –

  • Draft a vision statement to create a definite sense of direction towards the end goal of the app.
  • Test your product with a prototype to identify and fix problems early, when it’s far less expensive to modify it.

Design thinking is integral to the creation of original mobile apps. It supports innovation and emphasizes on a user-centric approach to product development, which can help you differentiate your app from others in the market and build competitive advantage.

Not choosing the platform carefully

Android and iOS operate in different ways and appeal to different user groups.

Discover your users’ choice of smartphone. This is often correlated with other variables, such as income and education. This information can help you make decisions about your app’s monetization strategy. For example, if your monetization strategy depends more on in-app purchases, iOS may be the most profitable platform for your app. But if you want to use ad placements to monetize your app, Android is a better idea.

If you are developing an app for multiple platforms, you should consider platform differences too. Remember that an average user takes less than a minute to decide an app is worth using!

Poor user experience

To offer a great user experience, the app needs to be intuitive. Poor usability can be caused due to –

  • Difficulty in using the basic functions
  • App performance issues (slow or lagging)
  • Long load times
  • Long registration processes
  • Difficult to access features

Focus on creating an amazing UX so the user not only benefits from your app but also feels great about using it.

Other Reasons

Other reasons apps fail include –

  • Improper testing
  • Poorly executed app launch
  • Project delays and budget overruns
  • Many stakeholders with differing priorities

The bottom line is focusing on market and audience research, following platform-specific best practices, and thorough quality testing can make a difference a successful or a failed mobile app.

Top 7 Android Apps

Top 7 Android Apps that Google Insist On Trying

Given the fact that Android is an open-source operating system written in Linux, it has great potential to evolve as an independent technology. Designed primarily for smartphones and tablets the Android operating system evolved gradually without any misses reaching to unimaginable heights in a very short span of time. What we get is a vast platform where one can explore their creativity to come out with user-friendly apps for their daily activities.

Listed below are top 7 Android Apps, which you may find it interesting to use:

# Ablo – Make New Friends & Explore the World


If you like talking to new people or getting along with newer communities around the world interests you, ‘Ablo’ is the app that may keep the fun element rolling. If you’re wondering what the app does, it allows one to know the people from different countries well. Not only you can speak to them in their language and enlighten yourself about their culture at any time of the hour but feel at ease when you’re traveling to their land. Get it right away from the PlayStore and have fun using it as much as you wish to.

# Boosted – Manage your Time Well


Are you always concerned about improper time management that hampers your daily activities? Well, if you do, ‘Boosted’ productivity and time tracking app will surely help you handle such concerns to a great extent. The app not just focuses to keep a track of your work but would give you a detailed analysis of the time spends on each activity and how you can boost it for future performances. All this is tracked using intuitive technology, which gains users deep insight into their daily activities.

# Vedantu – Learning app for classes 6-10


Knowing that e-learning is a booming industry across the globe has brought several learning apps together make the life of children simpler and fun-filled. With ‘Vedantu,’ you can give children aged 6-10 a wholesome educational experience, which stays with them forever. The app focuses on an interactive online tutoring platform, which allows teachers to provide teaching lessons to the students on virtual platforms. The app supported on the Android OS is designed on the virtual learning environment named WAVE, which technology is built in-house.

# MashApp – Post Video Punch lines


MashApp is anything that gives comedians a chance to explore their creative side by posting videos of the jokes or ironical comments and increase their social network. Socializing with humor has become one of the booming industries and with android apps like ‘MashApp’, it is a phenomenal way to maximize the fan following. The app uploads the comic content in the form of short videos and track responses from the followers, which to bond along by giving funny responses.

# Smarter – Brainstorming and Mind Games


If you think regular brainstorming helps you boost your intellectual side then try on the ‘Smarter’ app to give your urge a meaningful start. This app is designed to get you indulged in mind games under a wide range of categories including memory, logic, math, accuracy, etc. among others. Give your memory a brushing by installing the app on your android phone or tabs and get started instantly.

# Appy Weather – your Personal Weather App

Appy Weather

This app will satisfy your urge to check the status of the weather every now and then. It is not like any other app, which gets monotonous with the usual statistics and a boring looking interface; rather it summarizes the weather status for the users in few fun lines that are simple to read and adds loads of fun whilst keeping a track of the weather.

# Swoot – Podcasts with Friends


‘Swoot’ is for all those who wish to get along with friends and watch their favorite shows, seasons, and much more than though podcasting technology platform. The app can be downloaded on smartphones and get started working on it instantly. If you love to stay in touch with your friends and mates, ‘Swoot’ is something that will help you stay entertained right through.

Why Android OS is Preferred More than any other OS?

The prime reason why android OS is preferred is that it allows several apps to run at the same time on android supported devices. The second most important fact is that it allows easy integration of Google products such as Gmail and YouTube to have flexible user accessibility. The android industry is extensive and still evolving every second of the hour to give engineers a platform where they can explore new verticals to create unique apps that are useful for a variety of purposes. So, without wasting any single second download the above-mentioned apps on your android consoles to start using it and experiencing how android industry has taken the world to a toll.


App Store Optimization - Ogrelogic

Improve the Visibility of your Apps with ASO (App Store Optimization)

Gaining visibility of your mobile app is difficult as millions of apps struggle to make their mark on the popular app stores (like iTunes, Google Play, and Windows Store) for the iOS and Android platforms. The mobile app publishers often face challenges to optimize mobile apps on the popular app searches and therefore, seek efficient solutions to overcome such barriers. ASO or App store optimization is the key to build a strong marketing presence of your mobile apps in the competitive business world.


How ASO Works?


If you aren’t aware of how app store optimization works, the foremost thing you need to understand is that marketing experts focus on generating increased ROI from app stores, and ASO offers leverage to mobile apps to scale new heights in the online business market. The app rankings, however, are based on the user-value signals like (reviews, ratings, and engagement) or brand scale to give a transparent picture.


Advantages of ASO on the overall scalability of the Apps include:


  • Brands experience strong online exposure while reaching out to maximum customers.
  • With positive apps reviews and ratings, the rank of your app is likely to improve with more and more users installing it on their mobile consoles.
  • Engage audience to the apps.
  • Acts as an additional marketing channel that makes brands efficient to search for more business prospects.


When it comes to the key ingredient missing from many ASO marketing delivery approaches, it is the organic search optimization process that is integrated at the app stores within the closed boundaries of the marketing world.

Some more facts about ASO and how it is beneficial for the mobile apps to make a strong marketing presence of its own:


  • The keyword triggers are used by App stores to ensure you do thorough research on the best keywords to use and optimize it at regular intervals.


  • The kind of product page that you’re present about the app store has a big impact on the conversion rate values.
Mobile App Development Trends in 2019

10 Amazing Mobile App Development Trends in 2019

2019 can be an incredible year for your business leveraging the power of mobile apps. Today, we discuss 10 amazing mobile app development trends that you will have to look out for and implement in your current or next mobile app development to offer remarkable services to your users.

  • Cloud Service

The market for cloud market has grown tremendously in 2018 and will continue to grow in 2019 as well. Cloud services have continued to offers with the facility of using cloud based storage that does not impact their device’s internal storage. Apps like Dropbox and Google Drive are some of the popular apps that have been providing cloud services to a majority of mobile users. The cloud computing market is only supposed to grow in the future and 2019 is the right time to use this to your advantage.

  • Mobile Transactions and Payments

At CES 2018, Google introduced the all new Pay app that introduced a simplified mobile payment service. Google explained how the Google Pay app saved the payment information of users to speed through checkout and offering a peace of mind to its users. It’s not just Google that has developed an amazing mobile payment app, but there are many other mobile transaction and payment apps out there in the market, making their mark. You could join this league too by creating an easy money transfer or mobile payment app that caters to the needs of your users.

  • AI and Machine Learning

With smartphones getting smarter on a consistent basis, it is safer to say that even mobile apps aren’t held back. Technological innovation and advancement in mobile app development have led to the birth of many smart apps that leverage the potential of AI and machine learning. A great example of an app that uses the power of AI and machine learning is the Starbucks’ “My Starbucks Barista” app that uses verbal instructions to place an order for you. Similarly, you can make your app stand out by using the power of AI and machine learning to create groundbreaking apps.

  • In-App Gesture Control

Gestures have become a part of smartphone world these days. But, there is one area where gestures are excelling is within apps. Implementing gesture control within an app allows the app to be less cluttered, easy to use and offers a seamless interaction.

  • The Market of Wearable Apps is Growing

With the market of wearable devices growing, business opportunities in the wearable app market are viable. For now, it is safe to assume that people, who use wearable devices, mostly care about fitness tracking apps. If you are developing a fitness app, why not create an app that runs of wearable devices too? The market is growing and your app could be the next big thing that could create an innovative breakthrough.

  • Android Instant Apps

Android Instant Apps are those apps that are readily usable without having the user to install them on their smartphone. However, it is important to understand that Android Instant Apps only run on devices that are running on Android 5.0 or higher. Instant Apps prevent the hassle of the user installing apps on their phone and can right away test them with a tap.

  • AR in Mobile Apps

AR in mobile apps adds the right amount fun that one can expect from smart applications and mobile games. Most people believe that AR can only be used in mobile games but it can only be further from the truth. In fact, mobile apps can also be rightly used for practical purposes. A great example of an AR app that brings practicality into the play is Google’s Translate app, which launches the camera app to translate text in real time. Not only is the app fun to use but also very useful and engaging. Now that you know how AR can have a positive impact on users, 2019 could be your year to create an app that blows through the market.

  • VR in Mobile Apps

Just like AR, VR or virtual reality apps can be expected to grow in the mobile app marketplace. VR apps do a phenomenal job in creating computer-generated three-dimensional images or environment that users can interact with in seemingly real or physical way. Implementing VR in your mobile apps can be a clever way to keep your audience engaged and make them come back for more.

  • Full-Screen Experience

With mobile screens becoming larger and bezel-less, it is a new playground for app developers to present interesting and immersive apps to their potential users.

  • Building Lite Apps

If you have used the “Lite” variants of the Facebook and Twitter, you may already have fallen in love with it. Lite apps are smaller in size and consume comparatively less battery than bigger apps. Another great thing about lite apps is that it consumes less RAM and computing power.

Implementing the above mentioned mobile app development trends in your next app can take your mobile app to a whole another level. If you are looking for a reputed mobile app development company in Texas, visit https://www.ogrelogic.com/. We can help deliver innovative mobile app solutions that can help propel your business in the right direction.

Bing App

The New Bing App Solves Complex Mathematical Problems

Accept it or deny it, mathematical problems have always been our biggest fears when in school. The complex steps that we followed in order to solve a complex problem only left us overwhelmed. However, today a new app called Bing Search solves mathematical problems within seconds. What a lucky generation! You might think that it is cheating but the app also shows the logical steps that it took to come to the solution of an assigned problem.

The Microsoft Bing Search app has a unique math mode dedicated to solve mathematical problems. The app uses Microsoft’s AI and visual search technology to analyze a picture depicting the math problem and arrives to a solution.

Here are the simple steps that you can take to calculate a math problem using the Bing Search app:

  • Download and launch the Bing Search app for iOS on your iPhone or iPad.
  • When in app, tap the camera icon and select the math mode.
  • Focus the camera on the math problem that may either be on a paper, whiteboard or screen. The app is also capable of scanning printed, typed or handwritten equations.
  • The app detects the equation and calculates the answer within seconds. When the answer is displayed, you can scroll down to see the steps that the app took to come to the conclusion.

Currently, the Bing app is only available in the US and is expected to arrive to Android soon.

Happy Anniversary OgreLogic

Ogrelogic Solutions Celebrates the Successful Completion of Three Years

It is a proud moment for us as Ogrelogic Solutions marks the 3rd anniversary on 29th June 2018. We have come a long way since we started as a three members team. Today, Ogrelogic Solutions is a solid team of more than 75 employees. Along with the celebrations, the cofounders of Ogrelogic Solutions, Mr. Manan Vashisht and Mr. Gaurav Sharma share how the company met new milestones, came across unexpected obstacles and the future vision of Ogrelogic Solutions.

Ogrelogic Solutions was started on 29th June 2015 and today the company has grown to set up its new offices in many countries including USA, and India. “The company started as a simple digital marketing agency and is now moving into the zone of IT consultancy”, stated CEO, Manan Vashisht. He also added, “Ogrelogic Solutions started with the low hanging food of digital marketing, SEO, SMO, web development, mobile applications, and web app. In 2018-2019, we are looking at getting into detailed IT consulting and software development company”.


The biggest challenge that Ogrelogic Solutions had to face was the human resource. At first, we believed this would not be a challenge but overcame it by implementing certain trends.

We Are Unique!

Ogrelogic Solutions is also among the first few companies that registered the company in the US first and then registered the company in India. We brought the concept of “Train the Trainer”, which has been helping new employees to be trained extensively. We always believed that more than sales, retention is important. We put our focus on the delivery part, retention part, and the customer satisfaction part to help us become what we are today and it still remains our key focus. We actively put our focus on ensuring every employee’s growth path in the company. CEO, Manan Vashisht stated, “Every single person in the company for me is a profit unit”. We are also very keen on rewarding and recognizing talented and hardworking individuals. Unlike other companies, when we even promote individuals in 3 months and 6 months based on their talent, maturity, growth prospects, and when the employee brings a lot of revenue. We are also focused on giving our Ogres international exposure and introduce them to other parts of the world.

Ogrelogic Solutions Believes in Youth

We believe in youth, they are young, rearing to go, dynamic, want to develop an identity for themselves. “The ideology behind hiring youths is very simple, we want to train them, they are fresh, educated, have their own ideas, today’s youths believe in the power of social media, and they believe in the power of communication”, explained CEO Manan Vashisht. We keep looking for talented kids and go to different colleges across the country and offer them jobs with handsome salaries.

The Strategy for The Year 2018-2019

We want to work as a dedicated resource management company and get into more technologies”, said CEO Manan Vashisht. Ogrelogic Solutions aims to double up the number of employees and double up the revenues. The company has been successful in doing business in countries such as USA, Canada, and Australia. Now we are looking forward to exposing ourselves to other parts of the world. We are also actively working on our KRA management, SLA management, we are trying to build up the software for our own selves among which one of them is the HR software. The next thing that we are focused on is getting into the products market. We also want to build products for our own self. We want to tap into the healthcare business, financial business, and human resource business in the year 2018-2019.

Mobile App Development

Factors That Make Your Mobile App Successful!

If you are developing a business-specific app, it is important to understand that the success factor of your app entirely depends on what audience and consumers it targets. Nevertheless, there are multiple other important factors that can expedite your app’s success rate and make it a sure winner. Here are the important factors that can make your app stand out amongst the others:

  • A Simple and Intuitive Design

An app that is simple and easy to use has a higher chance of keeping users engaged while using the app. It is no surprise that a user is quick to delete an app that does not provide proper navigation and begins looking for better alternatives. This is why it is important to keep the app simple and easy to navigate which also directly helps in gaining customer trust.

  • Offer a Better Mobile-Friendly Experience

Humans have a tendency to get attracted to things that offer them great comfort. The same is true for mobile applications. Apps that are fast and respond quickly are much likely to gain user acceptance. This is why it is important to focus toward building apps with a user interface that is easily understood by common people.

  • Quick Load Times

If there is an app that takes a long time to load, it much likely is to be counted among the pile of failed app developments. Since smartphones today are backed with powerful CPU and RAM, it should not be that difficult to maintain the ideal load time of 15 seconds for an app.

  • Screen Size and Position

Today, smartphones come in bigger screen sizes and allow app developers to play around a little bit more while placing app related elements on the screen but a bigger screen size is also a knife with no handle. The more room you have to place the stuff, the higher are the chances of placing unnecessary stuff. So make sure to effectively use the screen size while place app elements.

  • Flawless Performance

Developers must ensure that the app and all its functions perform flawlessly before it is out on the market. Apps that are unique and offer powerful performance have a higher chance of standing out on the market.

  • Implement Off-line Elements

People find apps resourceful if they are able to perform even when not connected to the internet. This also ensures a user’s loyalty and continued usage.

  • Social Media Integration

If you want to make your app profitable and self-sustainable, integration of social media is a must. With social media integration into an app, users are able recommend and share app activities on various social networking sites. Social sharing can help in increasing the app’s visibility and gain acceptance among the people.

  • Impeccable Design

Last but not the least; design plays a crucial role when it comes to mobile app development. An app should be designed in a way that it looks exclusive. The app should be modern and must be laid out with high-definition graphics.

OgreLogic Blog Image

4 Real Estate App Trends That Can Make Your App Succeed

Real estate as known to us today is no longer an offline business. The real estate industry has now landed on the pages of the internet and dedicated mobile apps. Many people think that real estate apps can soon replace real estate agents, this is not true! On the contrary, real estate app development can be a great investment for real estate agents as per the current trends.

The interest in real estate app development has increase significantly. A lot of real estate apps are emerging in the mobile app market. So, let us find out the current app trends that can make your real estate app a surefire.

  1. Database

You need to have a database ensuring that the app is constantly updating with new and updated data. Today’s customers heavily rely on mobile apps and if the apps do not work as intended, they won’t use it anymore. App developers should find ways to implement a reliable database that keeps updating information of properties seamlessly. Remember, databases are at the heart of your mobile apps and choosing the right one will be critical to your app’s success.

  1. An Advanced Search Functionality

It’s not a recommendation to have advanced search functionality in your app it’s a requirement. A filter property option can make it easier for clients to navigate the app and choose a property. Filtering data can also make the app look more organized and enhances the user experience. You can separate the properties based on different criteria like location, type of property, price range, and much more.

  1. Use Graphical Representation of Data

Users are naturally more drawn to the graphical representation of data than that of the long description. While you can include both graphs and description but also make sure that the app is not loaded with too much info.

Additionally, while including a map for a respective property, try to include neighboring areas such as landmarks, parks, schools, traffic, commute, etc.

  1. Include a “Like” Button

A “like” button not only keeps the preferred property in a place for the client but also tells the realtors what a client prefers and suggest similar properties. As a new property is updated in the database, a push notification should be sent to the client when the new property matches client’s preference.

So are you thinking if it’s the right time to invest in a real estate app development? It certainly is! The competition will soon increase and when it does, make sure you are at the top. We at Ogrelogic can help you with designing a dedicated real estate mobile app that satisfies all the current trends.

Call OgreLogic in Austin, Texas at 512-808-5536 Today! OgreLogic’s mobile app developers and designers, online marketers and analysts solve real problems through research, design, and execution.

App Development

2018 App Development Trends

Mobile is more mainstream than ever. 2017 was a great year for the app economy and 2018 is set to be another phenomenal year. All kinds of businesses now depend upon web and mobile apps to meet customer demands and boost existing revenue.

Following the current trend, 2018 holds promise of bringing more cutting-edge techniques in the field of Android app development. Here is a quick look at the top trends that are likely to emerge this year.


AI will leave an imprint both in the making of mobile apps as well as in boosting their capabilities. Using advanced analytics, machine learning and cognitive interfaces, AI will provide businesses powerful insights to improve user experience and boost bottom lines. Bigwigs like Google, IBM, Facebook have already started acquiring startups with expertise in Artificial Intelligence.


AR and VR apps have been revolutionary in the entertainment industry. While Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard and Oculus Rift are hugely popular, AR games like Pokemon Go and myNav need no introduction. Already dominating the App Store, these mobile games are just a glimpse of the immense potential of AR technology, that can be utilized to influence consumers and enhance ways of doing business.


Nest and ecobee have shown us how smart and interactive our homes can be. Future homes are integrated homes. Integrations require complex mobile platforms and backend infrastructure to communicate and share data between all devices for a unified experience.

Various healthcare, education, retail, travel and other businesses are using mobile connectivity and applications to access IoT ecosystems. IoT solutions need a dedicated application enabling users to manage smart devices, that is, IoT friendly apps.

Mobile App Security

In keeping with the above trends, the security of the smartphone has become more even more critical than ever before. Apps with built-in security features will be one of the most sought after in the app space. Coding for iOS is moving from Objective-C to Apple’s own programming language, Swift. This year will see more app developers adopting Swift for better UX with more security features.

If you are looking for custom Android and iOS app development, call OgreLogic in Austin, Texas at 512-808-5536 Today! OgreLogic’s web developers and designers, online marketers and analysts solve real problems through research, design and execution.

UI UX Development

9 UX Tips your Mobile App can’t afford to Miss!

Mobile has rewired the web. It has offered us the world in our palms, with just a finger touch. But, sometimes mobile apps fail to impress people. The user leaves the app to never return.

This failure is often related to mobile app development. The mobile app development process requires the collaborative effort of app designers and developers, researchers and many different experts to create a great user interface that allows a great user experience – a great user experience to everyone who uses the app.

However, a small gap or a pitfall can ruin the user experience despite the wonderful design. In fact, there are some common pitfalls that often go unnoticed during app design and development.

But first you need to know why users delete their mobile apps. The average app retention metrics are not really good because of the following reasons –

  • App not considered safe
  • Data usage crosses a certain limit
  • App is slow to load
  • Lack of updation
  • Too many colors and fonts create clutter
  • The messaging part is annoying, as it is constantly happening.
  • Lack of options, such as search
  • Boring functionality doesn’t allow the user to do much

Now that you know the reasons that may be turning users away from your app, here are some highly effective tips to help you get rid of these issues and build an app that offers excellent user experience.

User Engagement

We can’t talk about engagement without mentioning user interface design (UI). The UI is what attracts people to your app in the first place. Do not overdo it but make sure that it catches the eye and stays in the user’s mind.

Maintain a constant intuitive flow to keep users engaged from when they visit to the final purchase. Processes, such as ‘Log in’ and ‘Sign Up’, should be fairly simple. Do not overwhelm the user with too many questions at this stage as this may result in them leaving it mid-way.

App Icon

Have you ever wondered why the Facebook icon is so simple? People can relate to simple things with ease. Design a simple yet beautiful icon for your app. It should be distinct and unique so that people know it from other apps.

Test your app’s icon across different kinds of wallpapers so that you know it would look good, regardless of the wallpaper or the background.

Splash Screens

Splash screens can be time consuming. Before implementing a splash screen, check how it would help your app. Let it stay if it helps people relate to your app, but if it’s making the user feel like a waste of time, the app doesn’t need it.

Content Legibility

Content matters. At the same time, your user should be able to read and understand it. The content should be legible, clear, precise and to the point. For example, check whether one needs to zoom in to read the content. If it can be read it without zooming, that’s a perfect job.


All forms must be easily understandable. Organizing the dimensions of the input field to ‘Auto Correct’ and ‘Auto Complete’, any forms should be able to clearly show people where they are now and what the next step is.

White space

The negative space or white space or the space without any content is now as important as content itself!

White space attracts user attention and keeps your design clutter free and attractive. It also guides the user to where they should be looking, saving them from random clicks to directing them to CTAs with ease.

App Navigation

Navigation is an integral part of the UX. Your app should offer a natural, intuitive flow for the user to access. Your navigation should be able to move in the direction of the user’s hands.


Which layout are you using? Is it portrait or landscape? Plan it by putting yourself in the users’ shoes.

Ask yourself –

  • What will they use the app for?
  • Where will they be using the app?
  • How much time do they have to use the app?

Thumb Rule

When designing a mobile app, remember that your user is using a 5-inch smartphone, in portrait orientation, and navigating with one thumb to –

  • Swipe up to load more
  • Swipe up to move down the list
  • Tap to vote
  • Swipe down to go to the main menu or to refresh
  • Swipe across

That means you need to consider the use of thumb gestures to improve the user experience, while designing your app.

To know more about app development, talk to Team OgreLogic, one of the best android and iPhone app development companies in Fayetteville, Arkansas; Memphis TN; Kansas City, MO; Dallas, TX and Tulsa OK. OgreLogic is your natural strategic partner providing game changing mobile apps, responsive web design, virtual resourcing and content focused digital marketing services.

mobile marketing services

Watch Out for these 5 Mobile App Development Trends this Year

From waking up to an alarm, organizing daily schedules, watching videos, chatting with friends, buying stuff, sharing files and so on – more than 2 billion people worldwide use mobile apps daily.

Mobile apps development and usage continue to experience the upward trend as 2017 crosses its halfway mark. Here is a look at mobile app development trends that we are going to witness in the second half of the year.

Google Mobile-First Index

Google began the AMP Project more than a year ago. Google has announced that they are going to make their index mobile-first. This can change the Mobile app development trends completely.

Google AMP supported web apps will load faster on mobile devices and reduce bounce rate. It will benefit publishers with increased ad visibility and more visitors.

Popular Versions of Reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have already made forays into everyone’s lives with games like Pokémon Go devices like Samsung Gear VR. AR app development will continue to rise this year.

If AR and VR are here, how can AI be Far Behind?

An increase of more than 300% is expected in investment on artificial intelligence this year as compared to last year. Google, IBM, eBay, Facebook have already started acquiring startups who are good at Artificial Intelligence. That should be a telltale sign of the evolution of AI apps.

Cloud Driven Mobile Apps

Cloud apps are expected to drive most of the total mobile data traffic by 2019. Powerful mobile apps such as OneDrive and Google Drive are only a glimpse of the great apps that will directly fetch data from cloud and take minimum space in your smartphone internal memory.

MicroApp Trend – Not so Micro Any More

MicroApps are on the rise. They provide a highly focused, task-based functionality that allows users, to access, interact and close the app, with great efficiency.

Enterprise companies are the biggest adopters of MicroApps, as components to integrate in a single installable app to fulfill workstream-level needs for employees.

To know more about app development, talk to Team OgreLogic, one of the leading iPhone app development agencies in Fayetteville, Arkansas; Memphis TN; Kansas City, MO; Dallas, TX and Tulsa OK. OgreLogic is your natural strategic partner providing game changing mobile apps, responsive web design, virtual resourcing and content focused digital marketing services.


What features make a great smartphone app?

As of March 2017, the number of apps in the Google Play Store was 2.8 million. This intriguing fact was presented by Statistics portal Statista. But, in spite of this staggering number, a majority of apps failed to leave an impact on the target users. The reason is straightforward: They don’t evolve as per the changing trends.

If you are in the plans to develop an app for your business, you ought to know the latest trends for maximum returns. Every renowned software development company from Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, and other regions usually guides you about these current trends.

Through this blog post, we discuss some trends and features related to app development.

Cloud technology

Almost every tech professional or someone associated with the online world is aware of cloud technology. In simple words, it is a technology of retrieving information and resources from the internet using web-based applications. This technology is now being integrated into the smartphone apps. Why users love it? This is because these apps fetch data directly from the cloud and acquire minimum space in the smartphone.

Search Option

Gone are those days when ‘Search’ meant only Google or Yahoo. With the content in the websites and apps increasing at an exponential rate, the search option is now inevitable. When the content becomes abundant in an app, it becomes difficult for the users to find the relevant information. A lot of news-related and e-commerce apps have already included a search option.

Responsive design

Responsive design means the ability to adjust the layout as per the screen size of the device. This is now an inevitable feature of website designing in the current scenario. To expand the reach of your app, you must include this feature during app development, too. A smart way to achieve this feature is to develop apps using technology that allows the app window to automatically adjust as per the screen dimensions.


We have already discussed that evolving is the key to thriving in the market. To fix bugs and enhance functionality and features, you need to update your apps regularly. Make sure the updates don’t cost the users a lot of space in their smartphone, else they will start looking for alternatives. Take user feedback into consideration while designing updates for your app.

More Touch & Less keyboard use

Typing seems suitable when screens are big, like that of a tablet. When you are developing a universal app, make sure the users don’t have to type much. They (the users) will prefer touch-based experience over typing, as it saves time and makes the app easy to use.

The Bottom Line:

A great app idea, when combined with these features, will translate into maximum yields. If you are outsourcing your app, discuss these requirements with your software development company. We, at Ogrelogic, are also capable of integrating these features while developing a smartphone app. These and several other attributes have helped us become best Software Development Company in Arkansas. Our software development services are also popular in regions like Dallas, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Kansas City, Missouri; Memphis, Tennessee; and Fayetteville, Arkansas.

You can also contact us to know what other features can be included in your already existing app or how to upgrade it. Call us to get a free estimate: (512) 808-5536

Mobile App Development

Top Monetization Models for Android Apps

Development of Android apps is not difficult anymore. There are various app development companies from Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and other regions that successfully do it on behalf of your business. What is important is to ensure that you can monetize the app profitably.

Through this blog post, we discuss different monetization models for Android apps.

In-App Advertising

It is the easiest and most common way to generate revenue through mobile device apps. You just need to make sure that the app is a hit among target users. Positive reviews and app store optimization play a vital role to promote your app. Major mobile ad platforms include:

* Banner ads – Traditional form of online advertisement that you can place within User Interface (UI) of your app.
* Interstitials – Advertisements placed at entry/exit points of your app. Use of videos, images, and links to websites is popular in this format.
* Surveys – You receive a certain amount of money for every survey completed by a user through your app.
* Notification ads – Users receive ads via notification without the need to open the app.

Paid apps (Direct sales)
The users have to pay a certain amount to download the paid apps. Otherwise, only a description, screenshots, and a video will be available to them. The app needs to be highly useful to convince the users to purchase it. In this model, too, the role of marketing team becomes crucial. You also need to integrate several features that are not available in the apps available for free.

Business intelligence firm App Annie in 2014 reported that around 50 percent of apps downloaded through Google Play are freemium ones. In this model, the users can download the app without any charges, but they have to shell out money to enjoy premium features. The popular games, including Candy Crush Saga and Clash of Clans, are some examples of the freemium mobile apps. Freemium apps and games are popular among users who hate getting interrupted by ads. In fact, a lot of apps have a feature to remove ads if users pay for premium version.

This is somewhat similar to the freemium model. The users have to pay for a subscription associated with an app. This concept is popular for newspaper and magazine apps that offer live feed by charging some amount on a monthly basis. Strong and regularly updated content is what makes this monetization model a success.

M-commerce apps
With smartphone screens getting bigger and individuals spending more time on mobile devices, m-commerce is expected to dominate the online shopping market soon. Just like e-commerce, you need to make sure the products you are selling through apps resonate with the lifestyle of target customers. The premium research service of Business Insider, BI Intelligence, predicted that m-commerce market would touch the mark of 284 billion dollars by 2020.

The Bottom Line
At the end of the day, it is the design of the app that decides the fate of monetization model you have selected. And to create a multi-feature, user-friendly app, you need to choose the best app development company. A lot of businesses from Arkansas consider us as the best Android app development company due to the quality of the services we offer. Our services extend to other regions, too, such as Memphis, Tennessee; Dallas Texas; Fayetteville, Arkansas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Kansas City, Missouri.

You can consider us as your partner in earning money through a clean, error-free app. Call us to discuss your app-related requirements: (512) 808-5536

iphone application development

Factors to keep in mind before developing an iPhone app

Do you know that around 224.8 billion apps were downloaded in 2016? This is what online statistics portal Statista mentioned in a report. This number is expected to reach 270 billion dollars in 2017. iPhone apps have a significant share in this figure. This is indeed a positive trend for those who are planning to develop their own iPhone app.

To make your app a hit, you need to keep certain factors in mind. Every reputable Phone app development company from different states, such as Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, etc., follows these factors during the development process.

A proper plan is mandatory
Entering the development phase without a proper plan will rarely result in success. Planning ensures you are not committing any error that can completely jeopardize your app. It is always advised to be aware of what you expect from an app and how to achieve it.

Compatibility with multiple iOS devices
You can’t expect your app to penetrate in the market if it is not compatible with different iOS versions and devices. By keeping the aspect of a particular device in mind, you can deliver premium UI experience to users. The wise idea would be to avoid features that don’t seem to fit into your app.

Test! Test! Repeat!
The positive reviews of users largely depend on how much time and energy you have invested in the testing phase. A lot of problems might occur at unexpected stages while using an app. And you don’t want your users to uninstall the app or write bad reviews due to some minor bugs. An iOS app needs to pass through unit testing, integration, and debugging phase before it is being published in the app store.

Think like a user
Various “Great App Ideas” fail because they are not user-friendly. It is not necessary that if you understand the concept of your app, your users will too. You need to create as clean and friendly app as possible. Make sure the users completely understand every feature and enjoy it to the fullest.

Iphone App development at Ogrelogic
At Ogrelogic, we follow all these factors religiously to ensure the end product meets the demands of our clients. This also ensures that the app makes the life of an end user easier in one way or the other. This approach has helped us become a popular iPhone app development company in Arkansas. A lot of our clients also contact us from different regions like:

  • Dallas, Texas,
  • Memphis, Tennessee,
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Fayetteville, North Carolina
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Share your vision with us, and we will convert it into a full functioning iPhone app. Call us today for a free quote: (512) 808-5536

video marketing

The Ultimate 5-Step guide To Use Facebook Live As A Video Marketing Tool

Facebook Live allows anyone to broadcast live videos from their mobile directly to Facebook news feed. And with that, Facebook has handed marketers another great tool to communicate with the customers.

To make effective use of this simple yet awesome tool, there are a few things marketers need to consider so that they can engage the followers and customers better. We are sure, by now, you know how to broadcast on Facebook Live. The feature allows you not only to broadcast a video live but also allow followers to replay it later; you can block and unblock users, and more.

The real question is how to analyze the performance if your video. Facebook lets you analyze –

  • Peak live Viewers
  • Minutes Viewed
  • Video views
  • 10-second views
  • Unique viewers
  • Average percentage completion
  • People reached
  • Reactions, comments, shares

Each of these metrics can be further explored to see how it changed over time, represented graphically.

How to make the most of this amazing tool is what marketers are trying to figure out and strategies are evolving as we go. Here are a few quick tips from the video production team at OgreLogic, one of the top digital marketing companies in Austin.

Keep Telling ‘EM Who You Are

Just as you introduce yourself in the beginning, don’t forget do so in the middle and other times during the broadcast. This is for the benefit of viewers who may keep joining later as they spot you in their news feed. That makes it important to reintroduce yourself and the purpose behind the broadcast.

Testing… One, Two, Three…

If you are new to Facebook Live, test your live video with “only me” in the privacy settings.

Keep Them Hooked

Since the videos in the news feed autoplay but in stay muted unless turned on, it is absolutely important that your video catches the attention of the viewers visually, right from the beginning. At the same time, remember that people will keep joining as they find you in the news feed. So the engagement has to be kept high throughout the video.

There is another interesting fact not many people know about Facebook Live. Facebook now has algorithms to track when viewers turn the audio on, when they turn to full screen and more. This makes more engaging videos rank higher up in news feeds.

The best way to engage with your audience is to call out their names. Since you can see who is commenting, in real time, you could address them by name and that really scores high with the viewers. You could answer their questions or share if someone made a joke.

Unstructured Is Cool

Since Facebook is not a formal platform, it is okay to let your hair down and let the video flow spontaneously, say experts at OgreLogic, the reputed video marketing agency in Austin. That is, in fact, the edge you get with Facebook Live as compared to recorded videos and that is what keeps the viewers glued to the screen.

Like And Share

Ensuring that viewers like and share your video is the most important part of the activity. Since viewers are with you, you could ask them to like and share a couple of time throughout the video.

As social media sites come up with more ideas like Facebook Live, the applications are limited only to the imagination of the marketer. Be innovative, don’t be afraid to experiment a little and embrace the platform you are using.

To know more on how to make the most of video marketing for your brand or to talk to an expert, visit one of the leading video marketing agencies in Austin at ogrelogic.com.

Mobile App Development

5 Steps To choose The Best Mobile App Development Company

There are apps and there are apps. So how do you make sure that the company you choose to get your app developed from is a good one? Here are some tips to choose the right mobile app development company.

Know What You Want

Yes, it may sound obvious, but not many businesses set out with a clear understanding of what they exactly want the mobile app to do. Understanding your own requirement would certainly help you narrow down your mobile app development company search. Do you want an iOS, Android or Windows App;Native app or Hybrid app? Who are the users going to be? Who are you targeting? Answering such questions will help you be more specific and closer to getting the app developed.

Check The Company’s Portfolio

Find out how long the company has been developing mobile apps? Have a look at their portfolio. Have the mobile app development company you been considering experienced in the kind of application that you want to develop. The previous work will give you a glimpse into the company’s skill and experience.

Check Transparency

Check whether the mobile app development company is open enough to share constant communication regarding your app. There should be a continuous feedback loop and a system in place for the client to be able to communicate with the company properly.

The company should be prompt and transparent in their communication. There should be a mutually agreed upon policy to communicate through mails, Skype, phones or in-person meetings.

Check Cost Effectiveness

Building within your budget is important but that doesn’t mean you grab the cheapest offer available. Lay emphasis on a high quality app that would fit within your budget. Too-good-to-be-true may actually be untrue.

Is The Company As Excited As You About The New App

An enthusiastic team is a sign that they would actually treat the entire project as their own. Some companies are willing to create a prototype before building the actual product. Some companies would offer you add-on services that are not part of the standard package. Decide on terms about what happens if they not deliver on or before the deadline.

At OgreLogic, our comprehensive app development abilities are well-versed in designing and supporting apps across various mobile platforms. Continuous support ensures your app stay up to date and best in class.

To know more about one of the best mobile app development companies, visit ogrelogic.com.

Top Digital Marketing Strategy

6 Awesome Tips TO Make Your Mobile App Stand Above The Crowd

How can you stand out from millions of apps on Google Play store and App store? How can you make an app so valuable that it is used regularly by your customers? Which apps come up on top and stay on top? One of the best mobile app development and marketing agency at Austin, OgreLogic brings you tips from the best apps to learn from.


Great apps solve problems for their users or address their pain points. Someone wants to learn a language but hates the commute to the class. Duolingo is there to help you. Want a taxi come to you? Get Lyft. When you create innovative mobile apps to solve problems that haunt the user, it stays with them and the customer base grows bigger with word-of-mouth. For great user acquisition and retention strategies for your mobile app, get in touch with Austin’s leading mobile app development company, OgreLogic.


Reward the existing customers to bring more people to the app and get them to use it. This starts a chain reaction and turns your customers into your brand ambassadors. It is a great way to broaden your customer base without burning a hole into your marketing budget.


Blogs and videos about your app tagged with the right keywords can go a long way in promoting your app. Content can be a great way to tell people how your app solves their problem. Top mobile marketing agency OgreLogic has a great content team to back your mobile app up.


If you have more than one app in the same category, say gaming, use one app to promote the other with a CTA button.


Use ASO to improve your app’s visibility in the app store. Choose the right keywords and don’t forget them to add them to your app’s title if you want to rank higher on a particular keyword. For amazing app store optimization strategies, call the best mobile marketing agency from Austin , OgreLogic.


Use analytics to measure who is using your app, how often and how long do they use it for and what leads to long term retention. This information can be instrumental to improving your app and targeting it better.