Wearable Technology

Five things you need to Know about Wearable Technology

For most of us, wearable technology might sound a new thing to explore but it isn’t as new as it sounds. The inception of wearable technology happened in the 13th century that invented the eyeglasses to provide a clear vision to those suffering from blurred vision issues due to deficiencies and also to protect our eyes from foreign elements. Even the Nuremberg eggs (the portable and wearable clocks) invented in the 16th century was kind of a wearable device that was worn around necks until wristwatches came into play so on and so forth.

In this article, we would try to enlighten readers about a few interesting things on the wearable technology platform that is evolving every second of the hour to bring about suitable changes in today’s dynamic business environment.

What is the Relevance of Wearable Technology?

After smartphones, wearable technology is the next big innovation. Therefore, it has huge relevance in today’s dynamic technology world. Let us see it this way. Any technological device, which we wear to keep a track of specific things like health, locating routes to make our lives simple and easy, has been relevant in the past, present, and it surely will have relevance in future, provided right approach is taken to promote is benefits. As wearable technology is not restricted to just one kind of industry, it enjoys a great potential to conquer the global market requirements while reaching out to the maximum customers.

Where is it Applied?

Wearable technology is used to run on devices for a wide range of things. These are divided primarily into three industries including health, textiles and consumer electronics and as Forbes contributor Unity Stoakes writes “We’re already seeing sensors that improve quality of life, enable home diagnostics, make virtual health and remote monitoring possible, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

Healthcare Wearable Technology  

If you’re aware of wearable tech. devices in this category you know what we are talking about. The health wearable apps have enabled people to keep a track of several things including measuring heart rate, tracking the number of steps, etc. among other features. The devices used in this category include fitness trackers and smartwatches.

Textile Wearable Technology

When we talk about textiles, we focus on innovative clothing that is worn to give an interesting look to the outfit. It is also referred to as e-textiles where a battery or light is embedded in clothes to give impart special effects.

Wearable Consumer Electronics 

One of the booming wearable consumer electronics is seen as implantable devices. These are usually used for medical reasons like tracking contraception, insulin levels, etc. to name a few.

Market Impact

Wearable technology is evolving rapidly with several businesses working around new strategies to incorporate technological innovations in this segment. The wearable technology market has thus shown a rise in the statistics of consumers using these devices over the past few years. It has also enabled the scope of exploration for the engineers to come out with something new. The impact across markets hence has been such that users’ expectations to receive more useful information and better search results on wearable devices to meet their daily ends efficiently and making lives simpler is what is focused upon.

Is Going to Stay?

Of course, it is going to stay until a similar technological innovation surpasses the unique features and advantages of wearable technology. However, there are many speculations about whether wearable technologies stay?  The foremost challenge that one can foresee for the wearable industry is whether it gathers a sustainable customer engagement. It has been observed that many wearable electronics are short-lived due to a lack of customer engagement. The reasons could be anything like a bad quality device, less user-friendly and extremely challenging to sync with the smartphones, reduced battery life, UX issues and not so appealing designs, etc. Now, if we’re able to convince customers for everything that they didn’t like, the future of wearable technology is not fading easily.

Role of Customers 

The role of customers is important in making any technological innovation as a hero. If businesses fail to create impactful devices, which users enjoy wearing and using it daily chances are they wouldn’t positively respond to your creation. But if the wearable device technology or any other technology is strong functionally and physically that caters to the users’ demands and needs, your business model will take no time to reach unimaginable heights to conquer the users, their lives, habits or behaviors.



Digitalize your Business with Top-six Marketing Tools Trending in 2019

While most of the businesses strive to become digital marketing leaders, we leave behind certain loops that could have helped us oversee how extensive and expansive digitalized platform could be to leverage businesses and transform them into brands for a global online presence. If only you knew about how the best digital marketing tools can help you achieve the desired goals, you may have scaled your businesses to the next level altogether.

Nevertheless, if you’re really seeking to make a mark in the competitive business environment and scale your marketing strategy to the next level, following digital marketing tools will help you achieve desired goals:

1 HubSpot – The all-in-one Marketing Tool


HubSpot is one of the most popular platforms to market your brands globally. Bring all the online marketing concerns under one roof and frame a strong marketing structure with the versatile marketing tool that gives hassle-free integrations, round the clock customer support, etc., and an efficient digital platform, etc., to name a few.

If you’re a beginner and wish to market your business without investing too much on the tools, HubSpot offers free tool services to set up the web forms, popup forms, and live chat software to generate leads. Furthermore, the CRM tool can also help you build strong E-Mail marketing campaigns to analyze the visitors’ behavior closely and derive results accordingly.

However, for those who already have a knack of it can opt for the paid services, which involves use of advanced marketing automation that not just manage your content marketing tasks like content creation, social media postings, and tracking E-Mails but enable you to reach out to your potential customers with ease.

2 HootSuite – Stay Up to Date with your Social Network Channels 


With HootSuite’s idea to help businesses stay up-to-date for tracking and managing their social network channels have given them a strong platform to scale their brands to unimaginable heights. This social media manager will allow you to keep a track of all your postings on different social media networks and increase viewership instantly. Create custom views and see how your brand is performing and keep the boat sailing amidst a challenging business arena.

3 Ahrefs – Enables Keyword Research Easy 


When it comes to performing efficient and quality SEO results, one name that rules the digital marketing industry is Ahrefs. It is not just the only powerful SEO tool on the market but a solution that would help businesses become SEO leaders. Refine your keyword search by performing a number of steps if you’re using Ahrefs. These include steps like the backlink and site audits, extracting new links, extensively researching the keywords, validating new keywords, and tracking the existing ones.

Believe it or not, using Ahrefs will only make you an efficient player in the dynamic and highly competitive SEO market.

4 Canva Business – Earn you Top Ranks on the Social Media Platforms


Canvaknown to most us as a web-based design app built to create interesting posts to make graphic designing easier for people. It is, however, one of the top-used digital marketing tools trending in 2019 that has a couple of things in store for the businesses who are struggling to make a mark in the market. While Canva can be compared to the Adobe Illustrator, it is one of the best tools that allow users to drag and drop the pictures, shapes, icons or fonts for creating unique images that speak for your businesses to engage the audiences globally.

5 Google Adwords – Expand your Target Audience 

google adword graph

Try using Google Adwords if you’re serious about making a mark on Google’s search engine result pages. The Google Adwords is a payment model based on two major factors including pay-per-click and pay-per-call. Your Google AdWords accounts would host the Google Keyword Planner that enables users to perform extensive research on keywords that you want to add to the advertisement campaign. Adwords also allow you to set budget caps to limit your expenses.

Those businesses that use AdWords as the prime source of their revenue generation are likely to survive for longer as compared to those who rely on the organic search results. Reach out to the target audience via displaying your products or services on Google’s results pages and get tones of visitors online.

6 Google Analytics – Track Insights and Measure your Advertising ROI   

Google Analytics

Even if you are a marketing genius and are likely to expand your business without Google Analytics knowledge in your kitty, you surely are missing out on one of the biggest things trending in the business world.

Working on Google Analytics platform will have you keep a track of certain things like who is visiting your website, from where and how much time visitors spend on your website, etc. Apart from all this, there is a huge scope of setting up goals to track conversions, create improved e-commerce setup, and track events to review how your viewers behave. Using Google Analytics is by far one of the most important things that any business needs to incorporate in their business models. Not only will they achieve desired goals in set durations but will have an eye to foresee risks, threats, strengths and opportunities for better business prospects

Are you going through a mental block as to which digital marketing tool would make your things smooth business-wise? The listed marketing tools if incorporated in your business model would leverage your brands with a view to gain more viewers and establish a strong online market presence across the globe. It is high time you navigate through each of the tools and make it part of your business model for a brighter future ahead.

Five Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas for Businesses

Five Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas for Businesses who wish to make it Big!

With the upcoming month making an entry into some of the important events like Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday, chances are you may scale-up your businesses to a level unimagined for. Seasonal marketing strategies are what we will focus on in this section to help you leverage businesses to a profitable category. Here are some interesting facts to read:


  1. The Power of Social Media 


Update your social media accounts by creating smart posts and showcase logos of your brands using affordable photo-editing tools like the Canva and PicMonkey to promote special events and seasons. Updating your profile pictures with seasonal items like leaves, a pumpkin, turkeys, etc., will not just buy you views from the followers who you were associated with a few years back but can also help you connect with them for repeat-business.


  1. HashTags Work Well


Hashtags play a pivotal role in engaging your followers across all social media platforms. Show a personalized touch while reaching out to the followers. Encourage them to share their favorite Thanksgiving memory (#thanksgivingthoughts) or maybe you could add a funny element to the hashtags by asking them their biggest Thanksgiving disaster (thxbutnothx) or (Thanksgivingnightmares).


  1. Bridge-Gaps with Thank-You Notes


We often don’t get to meet our potential customers in person or even talk to them on the phone. Sending them a short thank you note on the phone will help you bridge gaps and strengthen bonds for future business prospects.


  1. Live Demos on Themed Events


If you’re a small business entity let’s say for example you sell ‘greeting cards,’ hosting live demos on “how to create?” Thanksgiving or Black Friday cards will help you get closer to your customers in a big way. This is a great way to market your brand as visual live demos connect better than anything else.


  1. The “Give-Away” Trick  


Customers are always on the lookout for deals and offers by businesses and what could be more propelling than planning give-away items on account of special events like Thanksgiving. You could always give-away free product samples or services to increase your followers and establish a strong customer base across the globe.


So, let this November win you good market base across your niche and help you establish a brand image that you were aiming at all these years.

facebook messenger

Brands Get Better Connectivity with Customers with Facebook Messenger’s 3 new Feature Launch

Amidst all the social media hustle Facebook recently launched three new features for Messenger to keep brands well connected to their customers and establish a strong user base worldwide. To make communication more viable the three new features included are “icebreakers” for maintaining business profiles, “Click to Messenger ads” updates, and replying to messages from a business that comes handy for the users.


Icebreakers – Help Brands to Reduce Friction While Communicating with Clients

Sources at Facebook say that “Icebreakers help businesses reduce friction in starting a conversation by surfacing common questions or topics of interest.” Explaining the feature more, it offers users the option to click on a common FAQ — like “Can I check the availability of the product?” or “Where is your store located?” the messages sent will receive an automated response.


Click to Messenger Ads 

This particular feature is good for companies having multiple Facebook apps connected to the Messenger platform. How? Well, the idea behind this feature is to give leverage to companies to select a single app at a time, which they want to use for their “Click to Messenger ads” feature. However, there is no official announcement as yet by the company about when would the complete thing be available, but said the “first phase” of the solution is available with an improved platform in some weeks from now.


Users Enjoy Multiple Reply Options

The last and an equally important feature from Facebook Messenger are reactions and message replies, which enable users to take advantage of during conversations with brands while communicating with them on the Messenger platform. So, if you might be wondering what these reactions are, this nothing but a set of emojis, which are used to react to a response from any business.

In conclusion to this, the message replies also allow for threaded conversations to help businesses overview the exact message a user is responding to. Facebook writes “This adds more clarity to the conversations and helps businesses respond to inquiries better.”