Target Wider Audience at Campaign Level with Multiple Languages Targeted Bing Ads

Few days ago, Bing Ads made an announcement stating that advertisers will now be able to target multiple languages at the ad campaign level. This is a helpful update for advertisers who are unable to target their audience globally because of language constraints.

Before this update, Bing Ads did support multiple language targeting but was limited just to the ad group level. This means that multiple languages targeting setting had to be carried to different ad groups. Which also means that these ad group settings were not in alignment with Google Ads and thereby, causing issues when those ad campaigns were imported from Google Ads to Bing Ads.

Now, advertisers can set up multiple languages targeting at campaign level, however, the setting can also be set up at ad group level which will override the campaign settings. In order to set up multiple languages targeting at campaign level, you can select any of the 12 supported languages in the campaign setting. You can then go into the ad group settings and select the option to use the campaign setting for language targeting. If you want to change language settings across multiple ad campaigns and ad groups, you can simply use the bulk editing in the web UI.

This is a great update and addition to Bing Ads as it will allow advertisers to target additional languages and users relying on these languages. This will lead to greater generation of impressions and expand reach. Here is a quick tip as this article wraps up, Bing Ads does not translate your ads and recommends to write your ads in the targeting language.

Social Media Marketing

Facebook to Takedown Posts Spreading Misinformation on Voting this Election

The election this fall seems to have captured Facebook’s attention but in a good way. Facebook is waging a war against the ongoing political misinformation being spread across the social media platform. Facebook made an announcement stating that it will be keeping an eye on the most basic form of fake news and take it down that most likely would circulate during the election time.

Facebook specifically mentioned that posts promoting voter misinformation or anything that keeps the voters away from voting booths will be taken down. The company also claimed the term “voter suppression” that any post that prevents or deters voters from voting will be removed.

Facebook’s policy manager, Jessica Leinwand also made it clear that misinformation about voting booths, voting dates and the likes are already against the site’s rules. So, essentially, the company just expanded its already existing policy. With this news, Facebook also introduced a new reporting feature that allows users to report posts promoting misinformation on voting.

This new reporting feature will strengthen the company’s efforts by getting help from its users to clean up fake news on politics. Albeit, this is not the ultimate solution to tackle fake propaganda of voting news but it is an effective method that users can use to report fake voting news when they come across one.

Facebook has already removed a number of fake pages and accounts spreading misinformation on voting and the numbers seem to go up with the incoming effort.

Social Media Optimization

Google Plus to Shut Down after Glitch Compromises 5 Hundred Thousand Accounts

The consumer version of Google+ is going to shut down for next 10 months as stated by blog post published by Google. The decision to shut down the social media platform was made after a security flaw exposed the data of about 5 hundred thousand users.

Google has also stated that Google+ has been experiencing low usage and engagement and about 90% of sessions do not last longer than 5 seconds. However, the company is still planning to keep the service running on enterprise level. Google wants to promote Google+ as ‘secure corporate social network’ and this ironically sounds odd because this announcement was made alongside the new of user data breach.

Additionally, Google also announced the new privacy adjustment it would be making for other services that it caters. There will API changes limiting developers’ access to data on Android devices and Gmail. The company also stated that the consumer version of Gmail will also witness some user data policy updates. This policy will limit other apps and their scope of access to user data.

Google came up with four findings and four action plans to remediate those findings:

  1. The company said that it would face significant challenges in creating and maintaining a successful Google+ product that would meet consumer expectations after the data breach. This is why the consumer version of Google+ is shutting down.
  2. Google also stated that consumers want good control over the data they share with third party apps. In order to accomplish this, Google is going to be launching more granular account permissions that will be showing individual dialog boxes.
  3. Google also made a point that when users grant access to their Gmail, they do so with certain use case in their mind and the company will be limiting the types of use cases that are permitted.
  4. Finally, the company listed that when users grant permissions to SMS, Contacts and Phone Android apps, they do so with a use case in mind. Google will limit the apps’ ability to receive call logs and SMS permissions on Android devices and contact interaction data will be unavailable via the Android Contacts API.
SEO Services

Will Mobile-first indexing change your rankings?

Everyone is talking about Mobile-first indexing and how it will change how sites appear in search results.

To make sense of what is happening, let’s look at the basics of search indexing and ranking and what it means in the context of mobile-first indexing.

Indexing and Ranking – Same or Different?

Search engines perform two tasks – indexing and ranking.

Think of indexing as placing books in an enormous library. So, a search engine indexing robot (read GoogleBot) visits and reads a page and stores that information in its index.

Once this is done, the search engine ‘evaluates’ the information that has been indexed and determines which web pages match the criteria according to the search query and other factors (such as device). Going back to our library analogy, ranking is like the librarian who recommends you titles based on your search criteria.

Will Mobile-first Indexing alter Ranking?

Based on what has been discussed above, Mobile-first indexing refers to the indexing function of the search engine and NOT ranking.

So, mobile-first does not necessarily mean much would change for many websites. All it means is that Google is now preferring to index the mobile version first.

If you are using responsive web design, you have nothing to worry because the content on mobile and desktop versions is most likely the same. However, if the mobile version of your web pages doesn’t match the desktop version, you may face issues.

Let’s take an example to illustrate what it means for websites.

Let’s say a business had kept the mobile content shorter than the desktop version to save mobile visitors the trouble of scrolling through lots of content. Now, mobile-first indexing has shifted the indexing to the mobile version, indexing the shorter-form content. For all search results, Google is now basing its decisions on the content in the index and that is the shorter-form mobile version! Google’s ranking factors are now applied to the shorter-form version which may not be as valuable in Google’s estimation, pulling your ranking down.

What does affect Google’s organic rankings is whether the query is made on a mobile device or desktop. That is partly due to Google ranking factors and penalties for mobile results, such as the intrusive interstitial penalty and page speed ranking. This wouldn’t likely change with mobile-first indexing since these factors or penalties affect ranking, not indexing.

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