Happy Anniversary OgreLogic

Ogrelogic Solutions Celebrates the Successful Completion of Three Years

It is a proud moment for us as Ogrelogic Solutions marks the 3rd anniversary on 29th June 2018. We have come a long way since we started as a three members team. Today, Ogrelogic Solutions is a solid team of more than 75 employees. Along with the celebrations, the cofounders of Ogrelogic Solutions, Mr. Manan Vashisht and Mr. Gaurav Sharma share how the company met new milestones, came across unexpected obstacles and the future vision of Ogrelogic Solutions.

Ogrelogic Solutions was started on 29th June 2015 and today the company has grown to set up its new offices in many countries including USA, and India. “The company started as a simple digital marketing agency and is now moving into the zone of IT consultancy”, stated CEO, Manan Vashisht. He also added, “Ogrelogic Solutions started with the low hanging food of digital marketing, SEO, SMO, web development, mobile applications, and web app. In 2018-2019, we are looking at getting into detailed IT consulting and software development company”.


The biggest challenge that Ogrelogic Solutions had to face was the human resource. At first, we believed this would not be a challenge but overcame it by implementing certain trends.

We Are Unique!

Ogrelogic Solutions is also among the first few companies that registered the company in the US first and then registered the company in India. We brought the concept of “Train the Trainer”, which has been helping new employees to be trained extensively. We always believed that more than sales, retention is important. We put our focus on the delivery part, retention part, and the customer satisfaction part to help us become what we are today and it still remains our key focus. We actively put our focus on ensuring every employee’s growth path in the company. CEO, Manan Vashisht stated, “Every single person in the company for me is a profit unit”. We are also very keen on rewarding and recognizing talented and hardworking individuals. Unlike other companies, when we even promote individuals in 3 months and 6 months based on their talent, maturity, growth prospects, and when the employee brings a lot of revenue. We are also focused on giving our Ogres international exposure and introduce them to other parts of the world.

Ogrelogic Solutions Believes in Youth

We believe in youth, they are young, rearing to go, dynamic, want to develop an identity for themselves. “The ideology behind hiring youths is very simple, we want to train them, they are fresh, educated, have their own ideas, today’s youths believe in the power of social media, and they believe in the power of communication”, explained CEO Manan Vashisht. We keep looking for talented kids and go to different colleges across the country and offer them jobs with handsome salaries.

The Strategy for The Year 2018-2019

We want to work as a dedicated resource management company and get into more technologies”, said CEO Manan Vashisht. Ogrelogic Solutions aims to double up the number of employees and double up the revenues. The company has been successful in doing business in countries such as USA, Canada, and Australia. Now we are looking forward to exposing ourselves to other parts of the world. We are also actively working on our KRA management, SLA management, we are trying to build up the software for our own selves among which one of them is the HR software. The next thing that we are focused on is getting into the products market. We also want to build products for our own self. We want to tap into the healthcare business, financial business, and human resource business in the year 2018-2019.

Mobile App Development

Factors That Make Your Mobile App Successful!

If you are developing a business-specific app, it is important to understand that the success factor of your app entirely depends on what audience and consumers it targets. Nevertheless, there are multiple other important factors that can expedite your app’s success rate and make it a sure winner. Here are the important factors that can make your app stand out amongst the others:

  • A Simple and Intuitive Design

An app that is simple and easy to use has a higher chance of keeping users engaged while using the app. It is no surprise that a user is quick to delete an app that does not provide proper navigation and begins looking for better alternatives. This is why it is important to keep the app simple and easy to navigate which also directly helps in gaining customer trust.

  • Offer a Better Mobile-Friendly Experience

Humans have a tendency to get attracted to things that offer them great comfort. The same is true for mobile applications. Apps that are fast and respond quickly are much likely to gain user acceptance. This is why it is important to focus toward building apps with a user interface that is easily understood by common people.

  • Quick Load Times

If there is an app that takes a long time to load, it much likely is to be counted among the pile of failed app developments. Since smartphones today are backed with powerful CPU and RAM, it should not be that difficult to maintain the ideal load time of 15 seconds for an app.

  • Screen Size and Position

Today, smartphones come in bigger screen sizes and allow app developers to play around a little bit more while placing app related elements on the screen but a bigger screen size is also a knife with no handle. The more room you have to place the stuff, the higher are the chances of placing unnecessary stuff. So make sure to effectively use the screen size while place app elements.

  • Flawless Performance

Developers must ensure that the app and all its functions perform flawlessly before it is out on the market. Apps that are unique and offer powerful performance have a higher chance of standing out on the market.

  • Implement Off-line Elements

People find apps resourceful if they are able to perform even when not connected to the internet. This also ensures a user’s loyalty and continued usage.

  • Social Media Integration

If you want to make your app profitable and self-sustainable, integration of social media is a must. With social media integration into an app, users are able recommend and share app activities on various social networking sites. Social sharing can help in increasing the app’s visibility and gain acceptance among the people.

  • Impeccable Design

Last but not the least; design plays a crucial role when it comes to mobile app development. An app should be designed in a way that it looks exclusive. The app should be modern and must be laid out with high-definition graphics.