mobile marketing services

Watch Out for these 5 Mobile App Development Trends this Year

From waking up to an alarm, organizing daily schedules, watching videos, chatting with friends, buying stuff, sharing files and so on – more than 2 billion people worldwide use mobile apps daily.

Mobile apps development and usage continue to experience the upward trend as 2017 crosses its halfway mark. Here is a look at mobile app development trends that we are going to witness in the second half of the year.

Google Mobile-First Index

Google began the AMP Project more than a year ago. Google has announced that they are going to make their index mobile-first. This can change the Mobile app development trends completely.

Google AMP supported web apps will load faster on mobile devices and reduce bounce rate. It will benefit publishers with increased ad visibility and more visitors.

Popular Versions of Reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have already made forays into everyone’s lives with games like Pokémon Go devices like Samsung Gear VR. AR app development will continue to rise this year.

If AR and VR are here, how can AI be Far Behind?

An increase of more than 300% is expected in investment on artificial intelligence this year as compared to last year. Google, IBM, eBay, Facebook have already started acquiring startups who are good at Artificial Intelligence. That should be a telltale sign of the evolution of AI apps.

Cloud Driven Mobile Apps

Cloud apps are expected to drive most of the total mobile data traffic by 2019. Powerful mobile apps such as OneDrive and Google Drive are only a glimpse of the great apps that will directly fetch data from cloud and take minimum space in your smartphone internal memory.

MicroApp Trend – Not so Micro Any More

MicroApps are on the rise. They provide a highly focused, task-based functionality that allows users, to access, interact and close the app, with great efficiency.

Enterprise companies are the biggest adopters of MicroApps, as components to integrate in a single installable app to fulfill workstream-level needs for employees.

To know more about app development, talk to Team OgreLogic, one of the leading iPhone app development agencies in Fayetteville, Arkansas; Memphis TN; Kansas City, MO; Dallas, TX and Tulsa OK. OgreLogic is your natural strategic partner providing game changing mobile apps, responsive web design, virtual resourcing and content focused digital marketing services.


What features make a great smartphone app?

As of March 2017, the number of apps in the Google Play Store was 2.8 million. This intriguing fact was presented by Statistics portal Statista. But, in spite of this staggering number, a majority of apps failed to leave an impact on the target users. The reason is straightforward: They don’t evolve as per the changing trends.

If you are in the plans to develop an app for your business, you ought to know the latest trends for maximum returns. Every renowned software development company from Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, and other regions usually guides you about these current trends.

Through this blog post, we discuss some trends and features related to app development.

Cloud technology

Almost every tech professional or someone associated with the online world is aware of cloud technology. In simple words, it is a technology of retrieving information and resources from the internet using web-based applications. This technology is now being integrated into the smartphone apps. Why users love it? This is because these apps fetch data directly from the cloud and acquire minimum space in the smartphone.

Search Option

Gone are those days when ‘Search’ meant only Google or Yahoo. With the content in the websites and apps increasing at an exponential rate, the search option is now inevitable. When the content becomes abundant in an app, it becomes difficult for the users to find the relevant information. A lot of news-related and e-commerce apps have already included a search option.

Responsive design

Responsive design means the ability to adjust the layout as per the screen size of the device. This is now an inevitable feature of website designing in the current scenario. To expand the reach of your app, you must include this feature during app development, too. A smart way to achieve this feature is to develop apps using technology that allows the app window to automatically adjust as per the screen dimensions.


We have already discussed that evolving is the key to thriving in the market. To fix bugs and enhance functionality and features, you need to update your apps regularly. Make sure the updates don’t cost the users a lot of space in their smartphone, else they will start looking for alternatives. Take user feedback into consideration while designing updates for your app.

More Touch & Less keyboard use

Typing seems suitable when screens are big, like that of a tablet. When you are developing a universal app, make sure the users don’t have to type much. They (the users) will prefer touch-based experience over typing, as it saves time and makes the app easy to use.

The Bottom Line:

A great app idea, when combined with these features, will translate into maximum yields. If you are outsourcing your app, discuss these requirements with your software development company. We, at Ogrelogic, are also capable of integrating these features while developing a smartphone app. These and several other attributes have helped us become best Software Development Company in Arkansas. Our software development services are also popular in regions like Dallas, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Kansas City, Missouri; Memphis, Tennessee; and Fayetteville, Arkansas.

You can also contact us to know what other features can be included in your already existing app or how to upgrade it. Call us to get a free estimate: (512) 808-5536

Mobile App Development

Top Monetization Models for Android Apps

Development of Android apps is not difficult anymore. There are various app development companies from Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and other regions that successfully do it on behalf of your business. What is important is to ensure that you can monetize the app profitably.

Through this blog post, we discuss different monetization models for Android apps.

In-App Advertising

It is the easiest and most common way to generate revenue through mobile device apps. You just need to make sure that the app is a hit among target users. Positive reviews and app store optimization play a vital role to promote your app. Major mobile ad platforms include:

* Banner ads – Traditional form of online advertisement that you can place within User Interface (UI) of your app.
* Interstitials – Advertisements placed at entry/exit points of your app. Use of videos, images, and links to websites is popular in this format.
* Surveys – You receive a certain amount of money for every survey completed by a user through your app.
* Notification ads – Users receive ads via notification without the need to open the app.

Paid apps (Direct sales)
The users have to pay a certain amount to download the paid apps. Otherwise, only a description, screenshots, and a video will be available to them. The app needs to be highly useful to convince the users to purchase it. In this model, too, the role of marketing team becomes crucial. You also need to integrate several features that are not available in the apps available for free.

Business intelligence firm App Annie in 2014 reported that around 50 percent of apps downloaded through Google Play are freemium ones. In this model, the users can download the app without any charges, but they have to shell out money to enjoy premium features. The popular games, including Candy Crush Saga and Clash of Clans, are some examples of the freemium mobile apps. Freemium apps and games are popular among users who hate getting interrupted by ads. In fact, a lot of apps have a feature to remove ads if users pay for premium version.

This is somewhat similar to the freemium model. The users have to pay for a subscription associated with an app. This concept is popular for newspaper and magazine apps that offer live feed by charging some amount on a monthly basis. Strong and regularly updated content is what makes this monetization model a success.

M-commerce apps
With smartphone screens getting bigger and individuals spending more time on mobile devices, m-commerce is expected to dominate the online shopping market soon. Just like e-commerce, you need to make sure the products you are selling through apps resonate with the lifestyle of target customers. The premium research service of Business Insider, BI Intelligence, predicted that m-commerce market would touch the mark of 284 billion dollars by 2020.

The Bottom Line
At the end of the day, it is the design of the app that decides the fate of monetization model you have selected. And to create a multi-feature, user-friendly app, you need to choose the best app development company. A lot of businesses from Arkansas consider us as the best Android app development company due to the quality of the services we offer. Our services extend to other regions, too, such as Memphis, Tennessee; Dallas Texas; Fayetteville, Arkansas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Kansas City, Missouri.

You can consider us as your partner in earning money through a clean, error-free app. Call us to discuss your app-related requirements: (512) 808-5536

iphone application development

Factors to keep in mind before developing an iPhone app

Do you know that around 224.8 billion apps were downloaded in 2016? This is what online statistics portal Statista mentioned in a report. This number is expected to reach 270 billion dollars in 2017. iPhone apps have a significant share in this figure. This is indeed a positive trend for those who are planning to develop their own iPhone app.

To make your app a hit, you need to keep certain factors in mind. Every reputable Phone app development company from different states, such as Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, etc., follows these factors during the development process.

A proper plan is mandatory
Entering the development phase without a proper plan will rarely result in success. Planning ensures you are not committing any error that can completely jeopardize your app. It is always advised to be aware of what you expect from an app and how to achieve it.

Compatibility with multiple iOS devices
You can’t expect your app to penetrate in the market if it is not compatible with different iOS versions and devices. By keeping the aspect of a particular device in mind, you can deliver premium UI experience to users. The wise idea would be to avoid features that don’t seem to fit into your app.

Test! Test! Repeat!
The positive reviews of users largely depend on how much time and energy you have invested in the testing phase. A lot of problems might occur at unexpected stages while using an app. And you don’t want your users to uninstall the app or write bad reviews due to some minor bugs. An iOS app needs to pass through unit testing, integration, and debugging phase before it is being published in the app store.

Think like a user
Various “Great App Ideas” fail because they are not user-friendly. It is not necessary that if you understand the concept of your app, your users will too. You need to create as clean and friendly app as possible. Make sure the users completely understand every feature and enjoy it to the fullest.

Iphone App development at Ogrelogic
At Ogrelogic, we follow all these factors religiously to ensure the end product meets the demands of our clients. This also ensures that the app makes the life of an end user easier in one way or the other. This approach has helped us become a popular iPhone app development company in Arkansas. A lot of our clients also contact us from different regions like:

  • Dallas, Texas,
  • Memphis, Tennessee,
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Fayetteville, North Carolina
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Share your vision with us, and we will convert it into a full functioning iPhone app. Call us today for a free quote: (512) 808-5536