Mobile App Development Company

Spilling The Beans On SEO – 6 Surprising Facts

Online success equals being found. Hence, SEO or search engine optimization rules. Everybody does it but few understand it. Poor understanding of how it works can hit your rankings; even push you to bad practices.


When someone looks up a search term, Google searches matching and relevant pages (based on hundreds of factors) and presents them to the user. One such factor is Page Rank which depends on how many incoming links (spam links are filtered) your page has from other sites. The best links are content based links, say SEO experts at search engine optimization company in Austin, OgreLogic.


Google creates an index of all the pages and the content on it. Key content such as Title tags is what people base their decision to visit your page. Ensuring that your title tags, alt tags and other content if fully optimized for the keywords you want to rank better for. A quick tip –  instead of the title tag ‘Home’ for your homepage, use a title tag that tells about your products and services.


When other sites drive people to your page, Google respects it (provided it is not spam!) and ranks you better. When you publish content that is shared often, you indirectly drive more traffic to your site.


As the name suggests, on page SEO factors are the elements of the page itself – title tags, URL, and content. When every page of your website is optimized for the relevant keywords, you rank better.


Stuffing too many keywords into a blog post or an article could turn it into spam and ruin the reader’s / user’s experience, thereby defeating the purpose. Instead write content that would be helpful to the user with appropriate keywords used wisely.


Most people think that Google ranks them on the basis of factors like search keyword density and on-page SEO but that’s not true! These don’t even make it to the top 10 list. What actually matters is page link authority features, page level social, page and domain keyword usage etc. It means there’s more to ranking than keyword density. Incoming links and shares on social make your page rank higher.

The leading SEO Company based in Austin, OgreLogic, helps you identify what’s missing in your digital marketing strategy and understand what needs to be done to transform it and build your brand. To understand how, visit

Content Marketing Services

Make The Most of Your Existing Content

Content marketing does not just mean churning more content by the minute and throwing it on social media. Content has been here for a while. Think about how much content you have already created in blogs and articles. Since you have created so much already, it makes sense to bring it out, dust it and polish it for different formats and send it back again for a successful second round. Plus it saves you money on new content creation!

Here are a few ideas from one of the top content marketing companies in Austin , OgreLogic, on how you can reuse your existing content to your advantage.

Repurpose Existing Blogs

Pick up several blogs that talk about related concepts or topics and combine them into a relevant article, especially the ones that didn’t get many views or shares, the less read ones. You could create lists, tips and guides that provide valuable content to your readers. Adding links to each topic in the guide can provide you different ways to promote your content.

Turn Words into Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words. Convert the existing content into visually appealing infographics, slide shares or a picture album with tips/headings (as captions) and links to long-form content. Tools like Canva caninstantly turn written content into bite-sized visuals. Add video content to posts.

Or you could do the opposite. Transcript podcasts and webinars with quirky headings to create written content instantly.

Follow Trends

Take out several articles or blogs where you had spoken about an upcoming trend. Compare it to what is actually happening. Update with new information and data that would be of interest to your readers. Updating old content can also increase the traffic you obtain from organic SEO and the leads you generate on those posts.