Pronged Digital Marketing Strategy

Top 3-Pronged Digital Marketing Strategy For 2016

2016 may be a game changer for digital marketers. Ever since mobile overtook desktop traffic in 2015, businesses are frantically working towards designing and optimizing for the mobile. It seems only the other day when the ball dropped in the Times Square and we are past a quarter of the year but the tone for2016 seems to be set. The leading digital marketing agency in Austin, OgreLogic, says that have shifted their digital marketing strategy to MOCROP – Mobile apps Optimization, Conversion Rate Optimization and Personalized content.


The customers, fortunately, have millions of apps available to him/her at the Google Play and iTunes stores. Many businesses, on the other hand, unfortunately just jumped on to the app bandwagon without defining what the app was supposed to do for their business or brand. Goals? KPIs? Duh! Nevertheless, apps are going to bring in huge amount of business this year. As businesses and digital marketers, we need to clearly define the role of the apps specifically in the overall marketing efforts and for the brand, in general. Mobile App Optimization thus becomes the prime focus, according to the top digital marketing agency in Austin , OgreLogic.


Talking of optimization brings us to the second big issue of content personalization. You want the customer to stay, you deliver something that holds value and makes sense to him/her. Simple, isn’t it? But we are still a long way from delivering data-driven, personalized content although the movement started last year. Digital marketers that catch on to this quick will be able to deliver the magical results businesses expect, says the digital marketing team at OgreLogic, Austin’s best digital marketing agency.


CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization is going to be the Holy Grail of digital marketing this year. Businesses and marketers are changing strategies to “convert” the ever eluding customer. It is time marketers’ start focusing on how a conversion takes place when it does rather than shooting in the dark. Decisions will become highly data driven and not just on making the customer trickle down the funnel. And that includes the other two parts of our strategy – content personalization and mobile optimization – this year, say experts at the leading digital marketing agency, OgreLogic at Austin.