Top Digital Marketing Strategy

6 Awesome Tips TO Make Your Mobile App Stand Above The Crowd

How can you stand out from millions of apps on Google Play store and App store? How can you make an app so valuable that it is used regularly by your customers? Which apps come up on top and stay on top? One of the best mobile app development and marketing agency at Austin, OgreLogic brings you tips from the best apps to learn from.


Great apps solve problems for their users or address their pain points. Someone wants to learn a language but hates the commute to the class. Duolingo is there to help you. Want a taxi come to you? Get Lyft. When you create innovative mobile apps to solve problems that haunt the user, it stays with them and the customer base grows bigger with word-of-mouth. For great user acquisition and retention strategies for your mobile app, get in touch with Austin’s leading mobile app development company, OgreLogic.


Reward the existing customers to bring more people to the app and get them to use it. This starts a chain reaction and turns your customers into your brand ambassadors. It is a great way to broaden your customer base without burning a hole into your marketing budget.


Blogs and videos about your app tagged with the right keywords can go a long way in promoting your app. Content can be a great way to tell people how your app solves their problem. Top mobile marketing agency OgreLogic has a great content team to back your mobile app up.


If you have more than one app in the same category, say gaming, use one app to promote the other with a CTA button.


Use ASO to improve your app’s visibility in the app store. Choose the right keywords and don’t forget them to add them to your app’s title if you want to rank higher on a particular keyword. For amazing app store optimization strategies, call the best mobile marketing agency from Austin , OgreLogic.


Use analytics to measure who is using your app, how often and how long do they use it for and what leads to long term retention. This information can be instrumental to improving your app and targeting it better.


3 Best Kept Secrets To Create Winning Content

Inbound marketing thrives on content creation, say experts at OgreLogic, the leading content marketing company in Austin. Companies across the globe are using content marketing successfully to boost sales, build brands and establish a bond with their customers. Content can include:

  • Blogs and articles.
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Webinars
  • White Papers, E-books etc.

Content creation can be a great tool to communicate to your clients or customers directly about their concerns, your advice to them and industry insights. Original and engaging content can help you build a great rapport with your customers. It can also add to your search engine optimization efforts by making you more visible on search engines with more stuff to share. Businesses who have not yet harnessed the power of content creation can greatly benefit from these amazing tips from one of the best content marketing companies in Austin, OgreLogic.


There is no use in creating content no one is looking for. In inbound marketing, you want to be found, when someone searches for your kind of product or service in your location. This means you should understand thoroughly who your potential buyers are, what they are looking for and where they go looking for information, where they hang out on the web etc. OgreLogic content marketing team at Austin also advises you to put tools like Google Analytics to use to find out what people are looking for on the search engines. Creating fresh, engaging content around these keywords can give a great boost to your inbound marketing efforts.


Blogging gets you results, is a fact. At the same time, experiment with different forms of content. An interesting infographic could prove more useful than a verbose article. Quizzes, online polls, checklists, infographics, video, podcasts or webinars are used very effectively to present content by one of the best content marketing teams at OgreLogic, Austin.


The content you create will be any good only if it holds any value to the potential customer. Educative, informative and entertaining content always wins over content that is only created with an intention to sell. Promoting your product or service makes sense only when it solves a problem or makes the potential buyer’s life easy, points out the top content marketing company in Austin, OgreLogic.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Boost Your Social Media Marketing Strategy With These 5 Amazing Tips

There has been a lot of hue and cry over social media marketing over the past few years. Businesses have achieved good inbound traffic with it but when it comes to leads, they are mostly left wondering. The value of social media marketing is undeniable as is evident from these marketing statistics from HubSpot –

  • 43 percent of all marketers have found a customer via LinkedIn
  • 42 percent marketers say Facebook is critical or important to their business.

So, what is the trick to generate more leads from social media? Social media optimization experts, at leading social media marketing agency at Austin, crack the social media marketing strategy code for digital marketers.


Social media optimization is a great inbound marketing tool but you need to decide how much you want to put in paid advertising or sponsored content. Like any other marketing spend, you need to plan your spending and the outcomes you are looking for, say experts at social media optimization company, OgreLogic.


You may have dabbled in posting stuff on Facebook but if you want great results with social media marketing for your business, do hire an expert. Austin’s top social media marketing agency, OgreLogic, have a dedicated team to design and execute your social media optimization strategy.


More and more people are accessing the web and social media on mobile devices. This means your social media activity should now be designed for the mobile. The top social media optimization agency at Austin, OgreLogic‘s social media marketing and content creation team work closely to get the best SMO outcomes for your business.


Comments from your clients and customers are a great source of market intelligence. Use them to gauge what works and what doesn’t. Address their concerns and use it as valuable feedback to improve your offerings.


Engaging content such as live video can make interaction with your target audience more interesting and fruitful. Social media is the perfect platform to use diverse content formats such as quizzes, polls, video and more. Ask your social media marketing agency in Austin “for great strategies to harness the power of social media to generate business and build your brand.”