Content Marketing Services

4 Quick Ways To Add Spice To Your Content

We are human. We love to talk and hear others do so. Posts, blogs, infographics, images and videos, all satisfy this basic human need. Since our mind thinks in images, visual content scores over all other forms of content. Photos and videos are the best form of content because visual is how we make sense of the world around us. We at OgreLogic, Austin’s leading content marketing agency, share 4 simple tips to supercharge your content marketing strategy, share 4 simple tips to supercharge your content marketing strategy.


High quality, context appropriate images added to your blog or article catch the viewer’s attention instantly. Animated GIFs are an innovative way to showcase otherwise boring statistics and figures.


Font and Formatting is visual too.To be honest, most content is visual (unless it is audio). The font type and size, spacing, paragraph size, headings and sub-heads, bullets and numbering, everything is visual. Ignoring any element can cost you in a big way. Shares, comments, likes, re-tweets, all depend upon how interesting your content is, say content marketers at OgreLogic, Austin.


Our lives are about stories; we live in them. How-to videos, teasers, interviews, innovations such as Facebook’s auto playing videos have made it hard for the viewer to miss your content.


Interesting infographics appeal to the child in all of us. Content in an infographic unfolds as in a story and keeps the reader engaged till the end. Tedious content such as data and figures suddenly starts making sense when presented visually as in a chart, graph or infographic.

Visual equals more engagement and more set of eyes looking at what you have to say. Enrich your content with an eye-catching visual and watch your business grow.

Social Media Optimization Tricks

ENGAGE – 6 Top Social Media Optimization Tricks

If SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the ignition, SMO (Social Media Optimization) is the accelerator for your brand. Social media optimization can catapult your business to the next level, say our SMO ogres at OgreLogic Social Media Marketing Agency at Austin.Here’s our SMO mantra that never fails: E.N.G.A.G.E.

E– Engaging content– Quality is better than quantity when it comes to content. Rich visual content always scores over other forms. It is easy to share and goes viral in no time. Schedule your postings and spread it out over relevant platforms. To be able to engage without selling is an art. Stir up conversations with compelling questions, share credible statistics, quote from your content and use it as a post, grab attention with a teaser are some of the few examples of content that wins.

N– Network building – To win in the long term, it is imperative for brands to have an ongoing relationship with the users. Identify platforms where your users are. Build communities. Find out their pain points and help them achieve their goals.

G– Goal clarity– You should have a well-defined social strategy and clear outcomes planned before you reach out on social media. Through social media optimization, you can build brand recognition, drive website traffic, generate leads, drive sales, and build long term relationships.Define your short and long term goals.

A – Actionable Content – Make effective calls to action. The calls-to-action need not be direct every time. At Ogrelogic social media optimization agency, we just want to nudge them a little, not push. Asking people to click, share, discover more, free trial and learn more… you do need a call to action but indirect CTAs also drive sales in the long run. In fact, they are better since the user already has a relationship with your brand.

G – Gauge – To understand what works where, you need to find out information like which posts drove maximum traffic and which social media campaign was the most effective. Measuring the effectiveness of your social media strategy is important to set future goals and get more value for your dollars.

E – Execution – As in any other business, the key to any great strategy is execution. Keep a track of what is being posted. Does it match your SMO mission? Who is posting what? How shareable is your content? Review analytics. Make tactical adjustments along the way.