Content Marketing

The 21st Century Renaissance – Content Marketing

Bill Gates, in 1996, had already predicted what we are witnessing today. He said, “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet.” From blog posts to videos to info graphics, content rules, says content marketing company, Austin. Almost 70% of people would rather learn about a company via an article than an ad.

Companies like General Electric have become global leaders because they are happy to share internal knowledge on complex products like aircraft’s and wind turbines through informative articles, GIFs, corporate micro sites etc.. GE has evolved from a company which produces and markets things into a brand which brings in new knowledge and ideas. Red Bull’s content led it to its own content production arm, the Red Bull Media House. As in the 17th century’s age of enlightenment, ideas are being spread and fostered.

Content Marketing Austin explains why content marketing is indispensable to success in business:

  • No more one-time buyers – Content keeps users engaged longer with the brand though availability on a variety of platforms and devices. Consumers become more loyal to brands who are not just trying to sell and make a quick buck but are genuinely interested in creating awareness, spreading ideas and sharing knowledge.
  • Everyone is a brand ambassador– Engaging content shared by users through their social accounts, email or word-of-mouth makes everyone an influencer and drives awareness for your brand.
  • Content helps you become visible – Content is still king because being found depends on relevant, contextual, high quality content.
  • Content boosts sales – Online content is what consumers rely on while shopping online or making decisions for offline purchases.
  • Syndicated content makes a difference-Apart from your own website, content on social networks, online publishers, comparison sites engages consumers and influences sales.
  • User generated content influences buyer behaviour–Times have changed, so has the buying process. We now want opinions and reviews from others users about products and services, from rating sites, blogs or social networks before making our decisions.

At the end of the day, a brand which creates and delivers innovative, engaging content to customers and positions itself as an expert only will ultimately be a motivator of behaviour change.

Video Marketing Services

The Year of Video Marketing

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.” Marketers are cashing in on this old adage as it becomes easier than ever to create videos with new, innovative tech tools. Video marketing is a new type of digital marketing wherein businesses create short videos and upload them to video sharing website for increased exposure. By 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic, according to Cisco. Video-on-demand traffic alone will have almost trebled. Nielsen claims that most marketers expect video to dominate their marketing strategy in times to come. The recent Volkswagen campaign with three videos and a total of 155 million views is evidence that video is the future of online marketing.

Video has unique advantages to it that no other form of content has. As audiences get increasingly busier, video quickly grabs attention and keeps the viewer joyfully and emotionally engaged for a longer duration. A video satisfies both engagement and entertainment needs at the same time, making the viewer spend longer time with the brand, increasing brand affinity. Video content is not only easy-to-understand but also enjoyable and takes less time as compared to other content in this age of information overload. No wonder it is going to be the tool of choice in the marketer’s kit in the future. That said, marketers must consider content relevance and creativity to utilize this tool’s potential completely. The indispensable role of social media and mobile phones can’t be neglected either.

Videos can easily become effective lead generation tools. Video viewing data can be used to score, segment and qualify leads. It is the only way marketers can track actual engagement with the content, and hence, the brand. As marketers use video marketing as an active platform to engage audiences, video analytics can quickly turn data to results from lead generation to revenue. No wonder 2015 has been called the “Year of Video Marketing.”