Meet Our Defense Attorneys

The Nehring Law Office is here for those accused of criminal acts. Our law firm has successfully defended countless individuals against an array of criminal charges. In fact, we recently emerged victorious in a double murder case; a rare feat that few North Dakota criminal defense attorneys have achieved. Whether you face a charge of this magnitude or are accused of something less severe such as a driving-related offense, our attorneys are here to help.


Jeff L. Nehring


Hernando I. Perez

---Stephen George---

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The Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys You Need in Your Corner

If you’ve been charged with a crime, entrusting your defense to the Nehring Law Office could be the most pivotal decision you make. With a reputation for excellence and experienced attorneys dedicated to safeguarding your rights, the Nehring Law Office offers unmatched expertise and unwavering advocacy. Their commitment to personalized attention means that your case will receive the individualized care and strategic planning it deserves. From navigating the complexities of the legal system to crafting compelling defense strategies, the Nehring Law Office stands ready to fiercely protect your interests and pursue the best possible outcome for your case. Choosing their representation means aligning yourself with an attorney that prioritizes your well-being and is prepared to go the extra mile to secure your future.


Contact the Nehring Law Office Today

Jeff and Hernando, as dedicated criminal defense attorneys, operate as more than just legal advocates; we are steadfast allies and strategists for our clients. At the outset, we establish relationships built on trust and open communication, ensuring our clients feel heard and understood. We delve deep into the details of each case, meticulously examining evidence and scrutinizing legal precedents to construct robust defense strategies. Throughout the process, we educate our clients about their rights, potential outcomes, and the complexities of the legal system, empowering them to make informed decisions. Together, we navigate the intricacies of each case, exploring various avenues for resolution, whether through negotiation, plea bargaining, or trial. We provide unwavering support and guidance, offering reassurance during moments of uncertainty and tirelessly advocating for our clients’ best interests. With our expertise and dedication, at Nehring Law Office, Jeff and Hernando ensure that not only are our clients defended in court, but also that the most favorable outcomes possible are secured, ensuring justice is served.


Flexible Legal Representation

We proudly serve those living and working in the western North Dakota and eastern Montana. If you speak Spanish, you have found the perfect legal representatives for your criminal defense case. Hernando speaks fluent Spanish. Those who are partially fluent in English or speak no English at all deserve top-notch legal representation just as much as native English speakers. Do not let a perceived language barrier prevent justice from being served in your case. Schedule an appointment with Hernando and you will feel perfectly comfortable communicating in Spanish, English or a combination of the two languages.


You can Trust the Nehring Law Office with Your Legal Fate

The experienced criminal defense attorneys at Nehring Law are indispensable allies for individuals navigating the complexities of the criminal justice system. Their expertise, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment to their clients distinguish them as formidable advocates for justice. In the face of adversity, Nehring Law Office stands as guardians of constitutional rights, ensuring that every individual is afforded the opportunity to assert their innocence and receive fair treatment under the law. As pillars of the legal profession, their contributions to the pursuit of justice are both invaluable and enduring.
