Develop Your Leadership Skills

including executive presence, communication, and emotional intelligence so you can bring out the best in others and accomplish more in less time.

You Can Improve Your Leadership Skills

Do you have ambitious goals for your life, your business, or your teams but you don’t want to sacrifice your health and happiness to get there?

Book a 30-Minute Consultation

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Learn the Secrets

Click the button below to find a time. We’ll talk about your unique situation and find a solution that’s right for you.

Bring Your Best Self

Click the button below to find a time. We’ll talk about your unique situation and find a solution that’s right for you.

Do You...

  • Feel pressured and overwhelmed?
  • Frantically try to get everything done but secretly fear you’re headed for burnout?
  • Feel all alone, like no one understands what you’re going through?
  • Take care of everyone and everything but yourself?
  • Sleep fitfully because you can’t turn your mind off?
  • Miss quality time with your friends and family because you’re distracted and exhausted?
  • Leadership plays a vital role in the success of any business. However, research shows that only 48% of employees view their company’s leadership as “high quality.” If you suspect your leadership skills need improving, don’t despair!
  • Being in charge of a team can be draining and overwhelming, as everyone looks to you for guidance, and help in their day-to-day tasks, and expects you to always find the way out.
  • You’re constantly walking the thin line between being understanding and still keeping your team members in line, and when conflicts arise in the office, you struggle to control the environment.
  • That set of skills is called executive presence. It’s the ability to walk into a room, grab people’s attention, and express yourself clearly and positively without hesitation.
  • Many leaders carry those attributes with them the second they start in a position, others find it difficult to develop these skills and showcase them in the workplace.
  • Without executive presence, effective communication, and emotional intelligence, you ability to motivate your team will suffer, which could lead to employee disengagement and increased turnover.
  • You’ve had a successful career so far but now you’re feeling stuck. If so, I’m here to help you take your leadership skills to the next level so that you can effectively motivate your direct reports, impress your boss, and achieve a sustainable life-work balance!
  • This is your opportunity to have someone who understands what you’re going through guide you through a structured transformation so that you can take your skills to the next level.

Your Leadership Coach

My name is Dr. Leslie Bosch, a leadership, development, and wellness expert with over 15 years experience. I’ve worked with leaders from many of the top Fortune 100 organizations. I’ve helped these leaders improve their leadership skills and I can help you, too!

More About Leslie Bosch, PHD

Praise From Successful Leaders…

Do you have ambitious goals for your life, your business, or your teams but you don’t want to sacrifice your health and happiness to get there?

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I am inviting you to go deeper with me in your journey, our journey, to Be Authentic.