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Hint: I won’t leave you hanging, but I’ll definitely be most helpful if you pick my virtual brain on the topics of personal leadership, personal growth, navigating challenge and change, finding hope and a way forward in difficult circumstances.

I’m Bobbi

Wife, dog mom of 3, entrepreneur for 20+ years and rabid fan of cross-country skiing and cycling!

At the heart of what I do is I teach people how to find their way forward. They might be facing a dead-end, a life transition or the unexpected.

I know what that’s like. I’ve been there and because I’ve coached more than 3000 people since 2002, I know there’s always a way forward – no matter where you are.

I’m Bobbi

Wife, dog mom of 3, entrepreneur for 20+ years and rabid fan of cross-country skiing and cycling!

At the heart of what I do is I teach people how to find their way forward. They might be facing a dead-end, a life transition or the unexpected.

I know what that’s like. I’ve been there and because I’ve coached more than 3000 people since 2002, I know there’s always a way forward – no matter where you are.

3 Ways to Help You Find Your Forward

Turn a dead-end into a way forward

Sometimes we feel trapped by our current circumstances, and we can’t even see a way forward. No matter which way we turn, we see new obstacles and we feel stuck.

I’ve been there and I promise you: There is always a way forward.

Let’s get started!

Navigate new beginnings

Transitions are part of life. How we navigate them determines our level of happiness and fulfillment. Sometimes a transition is of our own making and sometimes they are surprises, but they are opportunities for new beginnings. A transition is about who you want to become next.

Let’s get started!

Finesse through the unexpected.

Life happens and sometimes the path we were on shifts under our feet. We feel blind-sided and uncertain about what’s next. Even though it doesn’t feel like it, there is a way forward.

You don’t just have to survive these events; you can learn how to thrive no matter what.

Let’s get started!

Introduction to My Find Your Forward Principles

Sign up to receive (free) my 5 Principles for Finding Your Forward delivered by email as a 3-day course, and my bi-weekly newsletter: Find Your Forward: The newsletter to move you forward when you are stuck, facing a crossroads or adapting to a fast-changing world.

No matter where you are, there is always a way forward.

20years of experience

My Story

There is always a way forward

I’ve faced dead ends that felt like brick wall, new beginnings that felt scary and the unexpected, which threatened my life.

One dead end was when I was only 23. I was working two jobs, barely keeping my head above water, and trying to find a way to pay for college. At times, it felt like the world was conspiring against me. It wasn’t, of course. This taught me one of the greatest lessons of my life: I can change my future. Within two years, I more than doubled my income, and was enrolled in college. And that was just the beginning.

My Story

There is always a way forward

I’ve faced dead ends that felt like brick wall, new beginnings that felt scary and the unexpected, which threatened my life.

One dead end was when I was only 23. I was working two jobs, barely keeping my head above water, and trying to find a way to pay for college. At times, it felt like the world was conspiring against me. It wasn’t, of course. This taught me one of the greatest lessons of my life: I can change my future. Within two years, I more than doubled my income, and was enrolled in college. And that was just the beginning.

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Turn a dead-end into a way forward

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Navigate new beginnings

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Finesse the unexpected

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Results I have helped create

Hear what my clients say about me

I was very fortunate to be able to attend her coaching program, and the insight, wisdom, and direction she provided, not only helped my confidence, but helped provide certainty that the work we do as coaches matters. I continue to focus on the concepts and ideas I gained from her. She's wonderful to work with!

Michael Gagnon
Senior Manager Corporate Account Executive Sales at LogMeIn

Bobbi will remind you of two things. One, that you are the reflection of the choices you have made so far and that you can be the hero of your own story. She will help you Level UP and choose to thrive and not just survive!

L. Scott Ferguson
Active Podcaster | Realtor

If you have an opportunity to work with Bobbi – TAKE IT! Bobbi’s uses the same skills in coaching and training that she develops in others. She is thoughtful, patient, intuitive and smart.

Scott Rakoski
Sr. Talent Development Manager & Human Resource Partner

Within a couple weeks I really started to see a transformation in the way I managed my thoughts and attitude. I am blown away by the results in so many areas of my life and the impact on my relationship/marriage/parenting. This has completely changed my perspective and the personal gains I have made are life changing and long term.

Jennie Ventura

Get My Book

Endorsed by 2x New York Times Bestselling Authors Marshall Goldsmith and Barry Spilchuk, Travels of the Heart offers important insights through everyday stories. Drawing on a life rich in experience, family, friends and the hard lessons of growing up, Bobbi Kahler becomes a coach and ally for others ready to lead their own lives.

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Your Forward Newsletter

Find Your Forward is my bi-weekly newsletter to move you forward when you are stuck, facing a crossroads, or adapting to a fast-changing world. No matter where you are, there is always a way forward.